Whats the story behind your channel name?

Hey all, We all have our name which we probably all spent hours and hours trying to think of, right? Well, for some, like me, this wasn't the case. I had a name in my head for years and I knew straight away there was only one name that would fit me, Mackazz, it was my childhood nickname growing up, so, whats the story behind your guy's names? Whether it was thought of or just stuck to you, how'd you come up with it?
I used to play this game called Tomba when I was younger on Playstation 1. And the game was just so good, and I got nostalgia when I heard the name so I just named my channel to Tomba. Even if it might not be the best name for a YouTuber that wants to grow, my mindset is made up on becoming a big youtuber with that name.

There was literally no reason other than I liked the sound of it... I play Pokemon and Medicham is my favorite one though so that worked out well! :p
My YouTube name story is kinda boring. So, for starters, my YouTube username is CrimsartHD. The way I decided to think of a name was write everything I liked on a page, then with a separate page, make random pairs everywhere. I chose Crimson because it's my favourite colour, art because I like art. So Crimson + Art = Crims-art then I added the HD because I can... I'm pretty positive I'm the only YouTube channel with my name, and that's what I was aiming for.
This is a cool thread. The story behind my channe name, which is "ColbzLyfe" is that my name is Colby. Colbs is a nickname I have from my friends and some family, along with various other nicknames haha. But I just changed the s to a z because I thought it looked cooler, and I make vlogs, and various other IRL content so I figured putting the "Lyfe" after would give it a cool affect...therefore resulting in ColbzLyfe