Whats the story behind your channel name?

"Mine is quite simple" Dude, really? :D That's so deep, man, now I feel like my name is lame ahaha.

Anyway, I come from Slovenia so my channel name is a Slovenian word that you can't really translate it, but it basically means "a lot of things". Something like that. It's actually "marsikaj" but it is written as it's an English word. Although maybe I ****** it up cause people don't know how to pronounce it but whatever :D I like it.

So you are the jack of all trades ? Well, it was not hard to pick the channel name. Everybody calls me Vakie might as well just continue the legacy. Had to figure out how to pronounce it. Thanks for naming it in your intro.
Xenos happened long ago, cause I wanted to think of a cool name that started with "X". I don't think it's that cool but at least I got the "X" part right :) Also I later learned that it means "Alien" or "Stranger" in like greek or something. Also if you want to connect it to the "Xeno" series of video games you can. (Xenoblade, Xenosaga, etc.)
Mines Vinyl Viagra, because I am always getting excited about Records.

And because I like corny puns and wordplay.
That's awesome, creative, and also kinda disturbing... I love it! :D

My channel is called Dig Bra and, contrary to popular belief no digging of underwear is involved :D It was a nickname I had a while back derived from my actual name and actually has no meaning in my native language. So when I started writing my own music (that was still my prevalent nickname at the time) it was the first thing that popped to mind to fill in the "Artist name" field in the mp3 tags :D Now years later upon starting the channel I was just so used to my music being labeled as Dig Bra, I just decided to roll with it (even though I think it sounds horrendous, lol).

Also I kinda like the idea of the name having no meaning or connotation. I was brainstorming ideas for a channel name such as "Gaming Music Xtreme" and all that, but I quickly found that I prefer my name being just some random gibberish with no inherent meaning, I like the idea of the content defining the name, rather than the other way around. 'Cause you know, youtuber Gaming Music Xtreme is kinda doomed to create gaming music videos forever, and they'd better be friggin' extreme! :D Whereas a random, disconnected name is free to be defined by the work it is attached to, whatever it may be or eventually turn into.
I'm a sucker for alliteration. I knew the focus of my channel would be Disney, and I also knew that Dateline was a popular news show. So I just came up with Dateline Disney, and the name stuck.
Mine started ages ago when i got my first car and i met a new friend who refused to call me anything other than Bobby. Not sure why, but it spread like wildfire and then everyone was calling me it, i was officially renamed against my will haha! Then the Bigfoot side of it... well Big feet of course :)
I used to play call if duty and I needed a cool name and i saw someone called JizL so I started trying to think of some similar but then I got WIZL and just stuck with it haha
Well my name is Amber and my middle name is lenette and I was typing that into a text message and auto correct but Lynx and I was like I like it Amber Lynx and I googled what a Lynx is if it's a thing and it's a lion and I figured the lion such a strong animal I can dig it so Amber Lynx is the name regardless of what yt talk say