Whats the story behind your channel name?

Mine was quite easy to come up with, we play mostly minecraft on the channel, and one of my fav games from the 80's was manic miner - so we are know as The Manic Miners !
I like NU-music style and there is NuSpirit club I like to visit (nowadays with full time job rarely) ... so no super long story behind my nick name :D
I got mine from the game Worms 2, I was young and really bad compared to my brothers and only used the Kamikaze move. I liked the name and it just kinda...stuck.
My channel name "Bushido Heart Gaming" Derived from the samurai code of honor the Bushido and i love Oriental culture and history, most of all i love swords and smurais love swords haha.
Our Name is No Reason and It came to be because the first day we got together to make a video we discussed the movie Rubber and one of the central Ideas in that movie is that there is No Reason behind a lot of things that make stories great so Ethan suggested we call ourselves No Reason and that's what we've gone by ever since.
Does anyone remember the movie "You, Me and Dupree" ? In it Dupree (Owen Wilson) starts off talking about the other main character; Carls, inner ness. Then at the end he becomes a motivation speaker telling people they can't be robbed of their "ness". I liked that, and since my name is Nic, well that is Nicness. Why did I put "The" at the start? It felt better that way. The only question I have no answer to is why I made it all one word.
There's lots of negative brainwashing done by society, and even friends and family at times. I wanted to use similar mechanisms and systems that people use to negatively brainwash others but use it for good. Hence, Positively Brainwashed.