Whats the story behind your channel name?

Well me and a few friends from school decided after high school we wanted to continue doing music so we decided to do cover songs and the way we named it was we took the first initial of our names which happened to be T and V (Tony and Vivian) and we added Harmonies to the end since we harmonize together when we sing and that's how we came up with T.V Harmonies. But some people think we're doing TV jingles which is confusing lol but we still like the name a lot and we're sticking to it!
My name came about as a variation of my own last name (Dumke). My brother actually came up with it while he was doing a project for school (he was at full sail designing video games). And when he presented it to the class, instead of saying Dumke, cause it sounds dumb, he introduced himself at Addison DOOOOMKEY (with the correct spelling of our last name of course). So I essentially just stole it from him. Hence, Doomkey was born. My brother wasn't goin to do anything with it, so I figured it would be perfect for my YouTube persona since I know other Tubers use variations of their names for their channel (Markiplier being the most prevalent) and I always liked the idea of keeping the essence of my name while changing it to be a little less lame.

So there's my story. There's the story of Doomkey
Great topic! I love reading all of yours!

Ours came from a realization. We realized that as kids, we thought our parents knew everything. What they said was always fact and that everything they did was golden and certain. Now that we are parents, we realize.....that we are just winging it.

So honestly, We raise our children to be the best they can be....but in turn, they are kinda raising us as well. They help us be better people and help us remember what it's like to be a kid again.
We came up with our channel name because we are brother and sister, so we used out last name Lee. We made it Artslee like "artsy" but a similar form because we make art and animations. :)
I chose a new name for meself online and use that as a channel name, Because I wanted the channel not to be restricted to a subject relating to the channelname but more a persona you can look up.

Olivea stands for my favorite food : Olives. (I spelledl it diffrently so I would be easyer to find on YT)
Sea: Is a synonym for my real name

So that is the combo that I made ><
I have a two-year-old grandchild who loves to watch videos on YouTube that have the surprise eggs. I figured if she loved them that I could make them for her and others. She calls me Sweetie! I am no Mamaw....LOL! So, my channel is Sweetie's Surprise Party for my granddaughter, Harmony!
I kept mine nice and simple. It's my name ;)

Plus I think it sounds rather catchy.

Shame I haven't hit 100 subscribers yet, cant use it as a custom url :crying:
Well I was trying to create a gaming username that sounded cool but didnt include numbers or anything i looked around for names my normal username was DaRkSidEr which i found in a game file once but its not really good to use because darksider is a game and miss leading then someone told me i always get sick when holidays came so everill and angel idk it kidna just fitted with it