Whats the story behind your channel name?

When I was in high school re read an open ended story where we had to come up with an ending. long story short I ended my story with some animals being mutated into zombie like monsters that ate peoples brains. The teacher thought it was nuts so of course at the time my friends and I got a pretty good kick out of that, Overtime my "creature" mutated into a more playful cartoon of Derpy little "Brainbeans" that just got into all kinds of mischief. More of a nuisance than anything scary. I drew hundreds of these little cartoons and a lot of people knew of my Brainbeans. So naturally Braibean became my in game tag for just about anything I have ever played. When it came time to come up with a channel name I just naturally gravitated towards the name. I like it, it makes people think. I will probably tell the story at some point on my channel.
My channel CHS Videos. The C stands for my name: Chet. The HS stand for Honestly Sincere because these are my strongest principles and I only want to make videos with these two as the core. No fake stuff but real sincere and honest content.
I wanted an original name and Bomber sounded cool(imo) and i needed something else and I listened to a song called Bruiser Brigade by Danny Brown and from that I made Bomber Brigade
My last name is Wolf, and my friends and I always used to joke about swag, so naturally I combined the two together, and voila! SwaggerWolf.
My YouTube name is Inspirethee. I now cringe at how corny it sounds but the intention behind it was that I wanted to inspire more people to eat healthier and not just assume that healthy foods are boring.
I chose Magik Mike for 3 reasons:

1) I thought people would enjoy the obvious movie reference
2) My name is Mike
3) The first song mashup I ever did involved the song Under the Bridge by Red Hot Chili Peppers...the album it was from? Blood Sugar Sex Magik

So it's like a triple pun :P

Is there a term for a triple pun? haha
Originally my show was VampireClanGaming, since i was second in command in the Vampire Clan over on Warframe, But we had a falling out, so it became ImZephyrian, my GT,
Eventually i relized no one knew how to spell or find me, so i changed it...
At the time i was heavily into game grumps, and my content was similar in nature, so i kinda just blended it into the nature of my name changed the personality so it didnt seem to be a perfect grump clone (we have enough of those) and i Fell on Game Goofs. :)

Oddly it is a commonly used name, but non of the other channels still upload, but people think they are me and it causes issues.
I created few channels, each of my channels name related to the channel contents, that's all. No story, no special reason etc.

ewClub = East West Club
I always travel from East to West (Asia & Europe), so I plan to capture whatever interesting and make it a video.

Thanks for reading!
So I have a pretty simple YouTube name and it's the same one as the one I use here. Thenameisjon
It's pretty simple and boring but there is a reason. Growing up I never really fit in anywhere so I always tried to copy what the "cool" thing was to do. I tried my hardest to do what the other "cool kids" did in order to gain friends. In the process I lost track of who I was and what I love (comics, video games, cartoon, etc.).
My name is like me saying to myself that I am me, and that am I'm not going to pretend to be anyone else.
Simple name yeah, but it carries a lot of weight for me.