What's the easiest way to create a thumbnail?

If you want an easy way to create thumbnails use Picmonkey its free and easy to use or you can use Photoshop and I have a video no my channel on how to get it for free in like 2 minutes and the link is probably gonna get deleted sooner or later so download it and see if you like it :)
Btw @Ninya, I think you need to fix your channel link, if you have less than 100 subs you will have to post your channel's link but in this case it is a like a code (like mine) so when you link your channel you need to click the button channel then post that code on your URL after youtube.com/channel/(Copy this only). Your link won't work otherwise if you just put your youtube channel name.
Oh k thanks, just search my name on Youtube you should be able to find it and i have 130 subs
@Ryan Kuznicki Thank you so much sounds like a site! When using pixlr feels like something is missing! Hopefully canvas is much better![DOUBLEPOST=1465237330,1465237227][/DOUBLEPOST]@Ninya Oh ok because your link doesn't work that's why I was wondering! It says "Can't find channel"
I personally use Photoshop but then again like others have said, if you ahven't used it, it takes a bit of time to get used to. But once you get the hang of it, you can do just about anything on there! (like literally anything!!!) so I would definitely recommend checking it out! If not, perhaps Adobe Illustrator (more if you want original designs on your thumbnails) or paint, but I personally find paint to be too simplistic for my taste.
You really cant go wrong with Photoshop. I started by using Paint.net as an easy free method of making basic custom thumbnails. As I got more serious with it though I realized that I needed to really work on creating better looking thumbnails because having an enticing professional looking thumbnail is incredibly important. The thumbnail is like a book cover, you really need to put some effort into making it stand out. I highly recommend taking the time to learn some basic Photoshop skills. You can buy the elements version of Photoshop which is much cheaper than the full version and it will give you plenty of tools to create some nice thumbnails.

Good luck, I hope you find a good solution that works for you.

I disagree that you need (or even should have) Photoshop for thumbnails. I took a look at your recent thumbnails and they can all be made in Paint.net with the right plugins (there's a paint.net forum where you can go to get many of them). Photoshop is a nice program, don't get me wrong, but I couldn't justify the expense for thumbnails since you can practically do everything you'd need to with paint.net.