What's the best type of font to use for a Thumbnail to draw attention?

since thumbnails are small, use clear to read, no fancy smancy unless you can read it when it's small. also, click BOLD lol and that's it
I know clickbait (God, I hate that word) pretty much helps drive attention to your videos and channel. A lot of thumbnails I see have very engaging content. But some also have text that stands out. Is there a font any of you use on thumbnails that you feel really grabs attention? A type of font I see a lot is a fat yellow font and it stands out to me every time, but I don't know the name of that font.
Head over to dafont.com they have an endless amount of fonts for YOU to choose from. There is no font on earth known to boost vids, ppl click on what they want to see. And sometimes that video just may have a really eye pleasing font, but it doesn't reel them in so to speak.
unless they are needed or really well done (not 5min in photoshop), thumbnails just look unattractive.
I'm going to try to make a comic sans thumbnail for a future video on my channel and see if it gets a reaction. Typically I think memes or anything that screams "CRINGE/MUST SEE" guarantees people to click and at least watch 10 seconds of your video :P
Depends on your niche. I would look at the fonts the big companies use as they spent millions already in split-testings to figure it out.
I try and find the font that the game actually uses, for instance for rocket league I use Bauhaus 95 and for COD I use a font, laughably, called Call of Ops duty! :p
I've got a gaming channel, and most of what I watch on Youtube are gaming channels.. What seems to work quite well for a lot of people is to try and find as similar of a font to the font of the game as you can. Or a font that generally works well with the theme of the game. In general though, a bold and clear font is what you want to use. Make sure it pops.
If you're making a gaming video, that game's font is always a good idea. But if you're making a normal video, I personally love Space Comics. You have to google search for it, but its probably one of the best fonts ever. That's what I use for all my thumbnails : ) Hope this helped