I wish I was in any way musical so I could have joined in on this! Sadly my singing is off key and just about the only thing I can play on the piano is the simple version of Sleeping Beauty xD
I'm planning to keep it a super-duper simple tune or set of tunes so that beginners can join in! Perhaps a hornpipe like, "Rights of Man," "Boys of Blue Hill," "Off to California," or "Harvest Home."( ...or maybe all of them so people can learn their favorite! lol!). Piano would work great, even if it's just playing the melody!! ^_^ This is getting way off topic...I'll make a thread in the music collab forum when I get myself organized about this lol!
I'm planning to keep it a super-duper simple tune or set of tunes so that beginners can join in! Perhaps a hornpipe like, "Rights of Man," "Boys of Blue Hill," "Off to California," or "Harvest Home."( ...or maybe all of them so people can learn their favorite! lol!). Piano would work great, even if it's just playing the melody!! ^_^
Haha, okay, maybe even I can manage it then :P I'll keep an eye out for that topic once it arrives :)

Yes, sorry for getting off topic here.
@Dutchie Abroad : get on my youtube, and from there either to instagram or write me directly an email. Thanks! ;)
Don't have Insta, so I'll email you :) Also see that you're Korean, that's so cool n.n

Okay, off topic-ness over!
I'm really looking forward to 2019.

A few months ago I started looking for sponsors, and now I'm booked up with sponsored vlogs all the way through to March.

The challenge of such an increase in the quantity of videos I produce will be to keep a good quality, something that has already declined in the last few videos I published. So...my very determined NY Resolution is to absolutely improve the quality of my videos whilst still increasing the quantity!

I'd also quite like to get to 100,000 subs....
My goals:
1) return to Youtube, I haven’t posted a video since middle of October due to taking care of my sick mom. Hopefully things stabilize soon and I can get back to it.

2) do some collaborations.

3) try to make a few “ different “ types of videos to mix it up.
I really haven't thought of my resolutions yet, but if I needed to write some down I would.

1) Relax and make realistic video production schedule. Too many times we have been chasing a dream of posting every day, but that just doesn't work for our schedule.
2) Work on video quality by story boarding better and engaging the kids better in the videos. We are also thinking we need to split the kids up to make our workflow better.
3) Focus more on video and channel promotion especially for the first 1,000 subscribers. We seem to have gotten stuck at ~100 subscribers and really need to work on our subscriber base.
4) Get the channel reviewed this year.
None. Why? Because I have put out resolutions in the past and I never meet them, which causes stress. That stress has caused me to nearly quit YouTube on multiple occasions and even now is somewhat of a factor. It is the reason I go weeks without creating content. I only do it when I want to do it not because I have to.
  • Videos(I got psp and possibly Xbox 360 ready to start recording)
  • More Playthroughs completed
  • Streams
  • More collabs with My group/team CloudHigh Tv(We in the clouds...Its CloudHigh Tv)
  • More Views
  • More Subscribers
  • More Fost Da Gama lol

  • I like to thank the viewers and subs that give my videos a chance. I'll keep getting better.
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Huh... I never really thought too much about it, but I guess it'd have to be these 3 things.

1) Do more collabs with other creators, not just people I know irl.
2) Try my best to increase the quality of my content (editing, footage, etc.).
3) Upload on a more consistent schedule.