Very disappointed with Pewdiepie and his comments

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I agree with what many others have said about kids viewing habits. I have two children and both love to watch Stampie videos about minecraft. My 5 year old in particular just loves watching some of the same ones over, and over, and over again. He doesn't have an account, he isn't typing in comments or leaving likes. He sure does love those videos though.
Here's our side of the story. Of course you can disagree and I'm not here to change anyone's mind. Everyone have their own opinion and I respect that. My son was watching other kids on YouTube for a while then asked me why he's not making fun videos like other kids. He even watch Nick Jr and Disney and ask why other kids are on there and he's not. So I decided it could be a fun project for us to spend time together and bond over. We started making videos for 2 months just for fun, I didn't even know you can make money! Then when I did find out, I thought how cool would it be to just make enough just pay back the money spend on toys! I honest was just hoping to break even so we can continue to do this fun hobby together. Never once did it cross my mind that I was exploiting my son for money like everyone is claiming. He truly enjoys this and always have input to what types of videos or toys he wants to play with. He still ask to make videos everyday. If he wasn't having fun, I have no problem quitting today! When the views suddenly went up out of no where and I realized I'm making more on YouTube then my current job, I thought long and hard what was the right decision for our family. I was a teacher and I was spending crazy hours working during the evening and during the weekend on grading papers, planning, calling parents, clubs sponsored events. I felt that I didn't spend enough time with him as I like too. I had Ryan right out of college and we didn't have much. Everything that he own before YouTube was borrowed and used. All his toys and clothes came from goodwill or pass down from friends and family. YouTube gave us this amazing opportunity to provide for him, move to a better school district, safer neighborhood, and we get to spend more time together as family. We max out my children college funds, we're been planning with lawyers on the best way to give them money for their future. We can't just save money in a bank because it was loss value over time. We also don't want to give him all as once because I'm afraid he doesn't know how to spend money wisely yet.We are investing on properties and stocks...etc The point is, he's well protected financially and if we do our job correcting, he will be getting way more than what's he's earning from YouTube once he's an adult. I wish people just didn't assume I'm a horrible mom without knowing our side of the story. Calling me names that's I don't care because in my heart I know I'm doing right for my family. If YouTube didn't happen, Being on teacher salary, there's no way we could save up enough to send our three kids to college without student loans and aids. As for the hatchanimals thing, we were NOT sponsored by WalMart or else we would of mention it. I was just curious to see the difference with the exclusive version vs the regular on....PewDiePie is smart and knows what to say and do to get views/attention. He did mention he doesn't know us personally but Everyone still just took his words that we're botting and forcing my son to make videos for money and that he will NOT get any of it! We don't have an army of supporters like him. No matter what I say, people will think he's right even thou he doesn't even know us and never spoke to us before. Yes we are getting lots of hate comments/reports/mean emails...and it's also hurting our views on current videos. I don't even mind the attack saying I'm forcing him because I know in my heart it's not true. However it hurts even more when people attack my son personally saying he's a retard and should die..etc...that's uncalled for. Thanks for all that support us and understand what we been through...

As a mom of a child who asked to make YouTube videos, I totally know where you are coming from, as you know. What people on the outside don't see is the bonding and the fun that a family can have making videos together. It gave Gracie and me a way to bond that we would not have had otherwise. We have so much fun making videos. And, we are also an example of what happens as a child gets older and loses interest in toys, or doesn't want to make as many videos. She simply doesn't make videos as much anymore and when she does, she chooses what they are about.

YouTube blessed our family financially at a time when we were financially in the danger zone because I am disabled from MS, but we didn't start a channel for money. Didn't know you could make money on YouTube even.

My grandmother always said there is a reason that houses have doors. I know we have opened our door by making YouTube to an extent, but you DO NOT know what goes on in our homes. People should perhaps put their energy and concern into the plight of children being bombed out of their homes in Syria and other war torn parts of the world, or children right here in American, who do not have enough to eat, and not worry so much about happy kids on YouTube!
I am serious when I say this but it may sound like I'm joking but what will happen to all these kids when the channel ends? Will they fall on hard times like "former child tv stars" we see a lot? Maybe keeping it in the family and not Hollywood might help but I do wonder about it

Why would a parent let that happen to their child? You do realize these are our children, that we love, right?
In my opinion, it's still exploitation. Just because it is not something as horrible as a sweatshop doesn't mean it's not exploitation.
Lance Stewart, a famous vlogger exploits his girlfriend's body all the time. Zoie Burgher exploits hers by twerking and being nearly nude all the time.
Both of those are not nearly as bad as sweatshops, but are they still exploiting their selves/people they care about? Yes.

As for the kids enjoying what they do...of course they'll enjoy it. They just think they are having fun with their parents. They don't know the effects of social media.
They are too young to know how this will affect them. What if when they're are older they regret everything they have done? What if they get bullied for these videos?

How does it feel to have your child labeled as a f*ggot and being told to get cancer by thousands of people on the internet you don't even know? It must feel awful for a parent, but how about them when they grow up and see all these comments?

With all due respect, this is just my opinion, I can't tell you how to parent. So if you think the money is worth it, then so be it.
Why would a parent let that happen to their child? You do realize these are our children, that we love, right?
Yes I know that. Maybe my post wasn't clear by I was wondering aloud if that would happen or not as we don't know what will happen to most people on YouTube regardless of age as it's still relatively new
I used to hate Pewdiepie for just sitting there and playing video games and acting like a retard. Hate isn't really the right word, but I found him SO annoying. But then, recently, I started watching a few of his more controversial videos, and I found myself more than a little amused by them. So I started watching more videos, and as my preset negativity towards him started to melt away, I actually started to enjoy his twisted kind of humor. Granted, there are some really terrible videos among his content, and some of his jokes are just idiotic. But I actually find his channel really entertaining overall.
What is essential if you don't want to hate Pewdiepie, is to remember one single thing: the YouTube Pewdiepie is not an actual person. YouTube Pewdiepie is an in-role personality performed by and loosely based on the entertainer Felix Kjellberg. And therefore he seems so caricatured. He delivers a character that is both retarded, charismatic and excessive at once, and it really appeals to a lot of people. Now and then he does make some actual sincere points, based on his actual point of view, but if people are having difficulties separating the serious signals from the satirical ones, he very easily ends up seeming as a jerk.

I am not here to defend or attack anybody, this is just my own point of view on the character Pewdiepie. And I actually enjoy his content :)
To be honest, i think Pewdiepie did a good job on this video's. I've seen some kid toy review's. And i felt it awkward. Because it's pretty ruled by parent's that do all the work, don't get me wrong. I can understand that children love to act and become famous with the youtube channel But what worry's me is that you said ''the kid's can choose 70 % what they want to do , and i do the other 30 %'' I could say the same to caged animals, they don't have to worry about food and getting taken care. they only have to perform an act once a day. You are making money on a way that you shouldn't (IN MY OPINION). Just as me and my ex broke up, and we have 2 kid's. While my kid's are here they are playing with toy's , play with their cousin's and nieces. While my ex decided when they are at her house they spend most of the day's watching a square screen watching video's (I'm talking about kid's that are the age of 2 and 3) And that's something i just can't stand. Kid's need to build their own fantasy world. That's how they learn things. And not watching on a tablet or phone seeing how other kid's review or play with their toy's. these are cases that i hate about kid show's. Parent's making money by using their kid's (again , the kid's might enjoy it, but are they REALLY enjoying it? don't they want to play by their self , play with their friends outside , and not playing dokter with their mother [wtf was that actually?!] and having a camera pointed to them and have to practice a script) And the audience that are mostly kid's that are actually to young (in my opinion) to watch youtube..

These just my opinions, i think Pewdiepie did a great job on that video. and it's not being jealous (he got 52 mill sub's , the biggest channel on the world , i don't think there's a reason to be jealous)
To be honest, i think Pewdiepie did a good job on this video's. I've seen some kid toy review's. And i felt it awkward. Because it's pretty ruled by parent's that do all the work, don't get me wrong. I can understand that children love to act and become famous with the youtube channel But what worry's me is that you said ''the kid's can choose 70 % what they want to do , and i do the other 30 %'' I could say the same to caged animals, they don't have to worry about food and getting taken care. they only have to perform an act once a day. You are making money on a way that you shouldn't (IN MY OPINION). Just as me and my ex broke up, and we have 2 kid's. While my kid's are here they are playing with toy's , play with their cousin's and nieces. While my ex decided when they are at her house they spend most of the day's watching a square screen watching video's (I'm talking about kid's that are the age of 2 and 3) And that's something i just can't stand. Kid's need to build their own fantasy world. That's how they learn things. And not watching on a tablet or phone seeing how other kid's review or play with their toy's. these are cases that i hate about kid show's. Parent's making money by using their kid's (again , the kid's might enjoy it, but are they REALLY enjoying it? don't they want to play by their self , play with their friends outside , and not playing dokter with their mother [wtf was that actually?!] and having a camera pointed to them and have to practice a script) And the audience that are mostly kid's that are actually to young (in my opinion) to watch youtube..

These just my opinions, i think Pewdiepie did a great job on that video. and it's not being jealous (he got 52 mill sub's , the biggest channel on the world , i don't think there's a reason to be jealous)

I understand the concerns. However what's the difference between kids being on YouTube vs kids being on TV/Movie? Kids on YouTube probably have more say in what they say or play with. TV/Movie, kids have no saying in what they say, do, or even wear. If we're talking about child exploitation, then Disney is the biggest one of them all with all their Disney Shows that features kids. Yes there are so call child labor law, but there's many controversy on topics about alleged childhood sexual abuse in Hollywood. YouTube is a new media and people have negative feeling or attack something because they don't fully understand. No one should be able to tell other parents on how they should raise their child as long as the child is not being harm. PewDiePie just bring hate to a family that doesn't deserve it.
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@Ryan ToysReview I'd disable comments on all videos until pewdiepie's minions are summoned to hate on another youtuber. Being able to leave comments on your videos gives them power to attack you and your family. Once that's taken away, they will lose interest and move on.

This! This is one of my issues with Pewdiepie is that he has a powerful fan base, They can take down a channel in no time with hate comments and such and they have before, I just personally think Pewds and his fan base are too big for their breeches.
Would your opinion of RTR change if in 15 years he's the astronaut flying a mission to Alpha Centauri or he's a brain surgeon. Congratulations Ryan! I believe in you so grow up and be a good person... I'll vote Ryan for the President of the United States![DOUBLEPOST=1484159741,1484158721][/DOUBLEPOST]Thank you RTR for dispelling the concept of The Asian Tiger Mom. Ryan plays like a champ and he still excels in school and in life so go figure... Look up Amy Chua
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