Two years and only 535 Subs! Is Something Wrong?

1. I do not put my FACE that takes more than 50% of thumbnail exactly in the same position for each video.
I put my upper body with my hands, that is in different position for each video with completely different background and text style. If you don't see difference between face and all upper body part, I am sorry can help you here, book visit to Specsavers.
Do you even understand word FACE? please check dictionary before you say something.
Did you even review his channel ?
Did you give any advice to him?
Don't spam a thread if you have nothing to say.

Now to your so called comments about my post.

1. I do not put my FACE that takes more than 50% of thumbnail exactly in the same position for each video.
I put my upper body with my hands, that is in different position for each video with completely different background and text style. If you don't see difference between face and all upper body part, I am sorry can help you here, book visit to Specsavers.

2. About monetization video - First of all with YouTube there is no clear answer that will work 100% of the time and I was giving my opinion based on some facts, for example Its better to have ad free content if you wont make any money from ads, that is a fact. Every subs is important when you have 0 so even if only 1-2 of 10 will get annoyed because there is an ad on video and skip its a big loss, that a fact too.

Now did I ask you to review my channel ? did I ask you for help? is it thread about me ? The answer is NO, so who the hell do you think you are to say my video is plain wrong, the only thing that is wrong in these thread is you.

Just noticed your text under avatar, that's explains everything you are of those "GURUS" that say make more videos to get noticed.

why are you being so rude? its great that you want to help people, but people generally tend to react better to friendliness rather than what your spouting

in your original comment, all you said was face, you only went in to more detail when i questioned you, we are not mind readers, don't just say don't put your face in the thumbnails if your not super hot lol. how is anyone expected to know that you meant its fine for faces as long as its shoulders and different hand gestures etc etc

all i am saying is, trying being a little more friendly and polite with your advice or people will just be annoyed by you and ignore what might be good advice
@MostShockingEP - Please tone it down, both here and elsewhere on the forum. Your opinions are welcome, but so are everyone else's. People can disagree without being rude. We have an expression in English: "Attack the argument, not the person."

To everyone:

This thread has some decent discussion. I'd like to keep it open. It's a shame that it is being derailed by petty arguments and insults. Please try and stay on topic and keep things civil. Thank you.
be advised you may want to look at the type of content EP makes to see if that fits your idea of a channel you want your son to watch as described by your about page.
I didn't want to start a fight in the comments XD

1) For my Vlogs I'll change the thumbnails to probably a picture of somewhere I went and change it to black and white and add colored text for it.

2) The ads will come off

3) What kind of Title should I put for Vlogs? I'm unsure

I think we need to have a chat, just between us. While I can't promise you instant, amazing channel growth, I can help you untangle some knots that might be slowing you down.

(Rallex and I are friends, we've known each other for some time now.)
Hmm, I'm not a Youtube expert or anything of the sort but i'll tell you what i've noticed and what you could work on. In my personal opinion, content is king, and at the end of the day if you make truly great content it will eventually find a way through the rubble.

I think one of the reasons that your not getting the subscriber count and views you want doesn't really have to do with your personality in the Vlogs but more your day to day life activities. I watched a couple, and it's just mundane, boring things that everyone goes through on a day to day basis, like going to highschool, getting your projects done ETC.

You need to think of your value proposition and what value your providing people, because by showing people regular day to day activities, it's extremely hard to make it interesting no matter how much energy you have or how good you might be at talking infront of a camera. Also as someone mentioned above, you could learn more about editing to keep interesting edits and transitions to keep peoples interest peaked throughout the vlog. In other words, you need to do more interesting things, or make the things your doing seem more interesting through awesome editing, or a combination of both.

The reason vloggers like Casey do so well is not just because of their personality but because they are constantly doing super cool things that the average person doesn't see, like living in New York City! Maybe you should try to sneak into a club or go to a highschool party or whatever you can do that isn't normal everyday stuff. Just some stuff to think about and this is all just opinion based and observations i've made, and i'm sorry for the long post but I genuinely want to help you because I can tell your working hard and I like seeing people who work hard get rewarded, but I also think you need to start working smarter aswell!

Good day sir
My advice is to switch up your thumbnails (subjects and font). Each video should highlight a crazy, interesting, curiosity-inducing moment that just begs the viewer to click it!

If you don't have one you should probably tone down your video production to match how often you capture an interesting moment/moments. You have 840 videos which is insane like many have mentioned already and that is partly due to your upload rate which is quite frequent.

That's great! But if you cannot find something interesting each video to highlight then you have no need for making a video every day. Instead try once a week, continue filming daily and then at the end of the week pick all the funniest or interesting or fun moments and throw it into ONE vlog. Make each thumbnail different than the last.

If I were you I would start over with a new method of content creation because it is kind of off-putting to be just seeing your channel and to watch close to 840 videos to be caught up on your channel. Just my thoughts and opinions, take what you like or don't take anything at all! I wish you the best of luck! Remember to have fun :)
My advice is to switch up your thumbnails (subjects and font). Each video should highlight a crazy, interesting, curiosity-inducing moment that just begs the viewer to click it!

If you don't have one you should probably tone down your video production to match how often you capture an interesting moment/moments. You have 840 videos which is insane like many have mentioned already and that is partly due to your upload rate which is quite frequent.

That's great! But if you cannot find something interesting each video to highlight then you have no need for making a video every day. Instead try once a week, continue filming daily and then at the end of the week pick all the funniest or interesting or fun moments and throw it into ONE vlog. Make each thumbnail different than the last.

If I were you I would start over with a new method of content creation because it is kind of off-putting to be just seeing your channel and to watch close to 840 videos to be caught up on your channel. Just my thoughts and opinions, take what you like or don't take anything at all! I wish you the best of luck! Remember to have fun :)

I have to make a Vlog everyday because I want my kids one day to see their father grow up and to look back one day and see what I did when I was (16 for example). I'm adding topic and review like videos soon to spice things up as well as Skits. But Vlogs will always happen everyday.
I have to make a Vlog everyday because I want my kids one day to see their father grow up and to look back one day and see what I did when I was (16 for example). I'm adding topic and review like videos soon to spice things up as well as Skits. But Vlogs will always happen everyday.
If you just want your kids to see them you can always make the vlogs private or unlisted. Or take every vlog for that week and combine It so it's one big weekly vlog. If you want to grow you need to do something major about your vlogs.

I'm just trying to help. This is my perspective as a creator and consumer on YouTube. Good luck.
Dude may I recommend the tubeBuddy app. It can help you find better keywords, and let you know the ranking of each. I really admire your commitment !!!! You have gained another sub!