Loki Doki
Gaming Nerd and SEO Guru
1. I do not put my FACE that takes more than 50% of thumbnail exactly in the same position for each video.
I put my upper body with my hands, that is in different position for each video with completely different background and text style. If you don't see difference between face and all upper body part, I am sorry can help you here, book visit to Specsavers.
Do you even understand word FACE? please check dictionary before you say something.
Did you even review his channel ?
Did you give any advice to him?
Don't spam a thread if you have nothing to say.
Now to your so called comments about my post.
1. I do not put my FACE that takes more than 50% of thumbnail exactly in the same position for each video.
I put my upper body with my hands, that is in different position for each video with completely different background and text style. If you don't see difference between face and all upper body part, I am sorry can help you here, book visit to Specsavers.
2. About monetization video - First of all with YouTube there is no clear answer that will work 100% of the time and I was giving my opinion based on some facts, for example Its better to have ad free content if you wont make any money from ads, that is a fact. Every subs is important when you have 0 so even if only 1-2 of 10 will get annoyed because there is an ad on video and skip its a big loss, that a fact too.
Now did I ask you to review my channel ? did I ask you for help? is it thread about me ? The answer is NO, so who the hell do you think you are to say my video is plain wrong, the only thing that is wrong in these thread is you.
Just noticed your text under avatar, that's explains everything you are of those "GURUS" that say make more videos to get noticed.
why are you being so rude? its great that you want to help people, but people generally tend to react better to friendliness rather than what your spouting
in your original comment, all you said was face, you only went in to more detail when i questioned you, we are not mind readers, don't just say don't put your face in the thumbnails if your not super hot lol. how is anyone expected to know that you meant its fine for faces as long as its shoulders and different hand gestures etc etc
all i am saying is, trying being a little more friendly and polite with your advice or people will just be annoyed by you and ignore what might be good advice