
New Member
I may be a newbie to YouTube, however I know quite a bit about scripting as I study drama and media and have had several previous channels to learn from my mistakes. Here are my TOP 10 TIPS for writing good scripts to keep the viewer intrigued!
1. Try and keep your script and video relatively short. If you have a commentary channel, I suggest making your video within 3 - 7 minutes long. However if you are just doing regular game-play videos then 7 - 15 is more suited.
2. Use humor effectively by adding hints or funny lines every now and then, but don't just resort to humor, remember to still get your message across.
3. Get your message across in under 15 seconds, for example "Hi guys, its Theo, today we are talking about this new video I found called {Name here}
4. Don't be a Robot -
Make sure too sound exited about creating your video, no one wants to watch someone who half sounds like they want to blow their brains out the entire time. Put passion into the words you say, but don't over do it until you sound like someone who just took a shot of spontaneous combustion and then proceeded to wash it down with a cup of bleach.
5. Try not to go off topic to often - Always stick to the purpose or topic of the video, unless you are on something boring like a loading screen in a game play video, and there is little to talk about. Then you could bring up something serious on the news so you sound like you know everything and that your actually clever.
6. Don't speak to quickly, remember to pace yourself when talking, if you feel yourself speeding up, take a seconds brake and continue calmly, its not a race to the finish.
7. Talk to your audience directly so there is more of a connection between your voice and the viewer, making them less likely to get bored or not pay attention.
8. Record your voice over separately, this makes it easier to focus. When I used to make commentary's I would always try and remember my script off by heart, whilst playing. This can also put you off the game resulting in slow reaction time and generally makes you play worse.
9. Make your sentences flow by avoiding sharp full stops and huge gaps.
10. Show your script to a friend or family to see if they think its worthy! {Unless its rude}
I may be a newbie to YouTube, however I know quite a bit about scripting as I study drama and media and have had several previous channels to learn from my mistakes. Here are my TOP 10 TIPS for writing good scripts to keep the viewer intrigued!
1. Try and keep your script and video relatively short. If you have a commentary channel, I suggest making your video within 3 - 7 minutes long. However if you are just doing regular game-play videos then 7 - 15 is more suited.
2. Use humor effectively by adding hints or funny lines every now and then, but don't just resort to humor, remember to still get your message across.
3. Get your message across in under 15 seconds, for example "Hi guys, its Theo, today we are talking about this new video I found called {Name here}
4. Don't be a Robot -
Make sure too sound exited about creating your video, no one wants to watch someone who half sounds like they want to blow their brains out the entire time. Put passion into the words you say, but don't over do it until you sound like someone who just took a shot of spontaneous combustion and then proceeded to wash it down with a cup of bleach.
5. Try not to go off topic to often - Always stick to the purpose or topic of the video, unless you are on something boring like a loading screen in a game play video, and there is little to talk about. Then you could bring up something serious on the news so you sound like you know everything and that your actually clever.
6. Don't speak to quickly, remember to pace yourself when talking, if you feel yourself speeding up, take a seconds brake and continue calmly, its not a race to the finish.
7. Talk to your audience directly so there is more of a connection between your voice and the viewer, making them less likely to get bored or not pay attention.
8. Record your voice over separately, this makes it easier to focus. When I used to make commentary's I would always try and remember my script off by heart, whilst playing. This can also put you off the game resulting in slow reaction time and generally makes you play worse.
9. Make your sentences flow by avoiding sharp full stops and huge gaps.
10. Show your script to a friend or family to see if they think its worthy! {Unless its rude}

Nice tips, point number 7 is an interesting point that will definitely be putting to use in the future.
Good reminders about finishing sentences and not speaking too quickly. Had a major issue with #4 but learning to tone it down lol
Good stuff! I often say that using an outline can be helpful rather than a full script, because then you have the ability to sound more natural and make observations as you go.