Surefire way to get subscribers - but you'll need to be proactive

Do you consider yourself an active youtube viewer, active video creator, or both?

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Sorry this is a bit long, but I think it might be helpful. There's one thing I know that appears to be a tried and tested technique for gaining subs and views, but it will require time and effort as does anything that's "real" and not a cheat.

Getting strangers to watch your videos and then subscribe for more is difficult when you are a small Youtuber. You haven't been validated for them by having loads of subscribers and views, but of course how can you grow if they don't give you a chance?

I have watched the growth of one person in particular who started a little ahead of me and was always a little ahead in subs because of it. Now he is much further ahead, and gains anything from 1 sub to 62 per day. PER DAY! I don't consider that he makes original material, or that he makes amazing videos with quality editing (no varied use of music, special backgrounds, extra edits except jump cuts etc) so I've been trying to work out his secret when I've been focused on improving all those things but still haven't seen the same results.

What has become incredibly apparent to me is how well he is at connecting and "socializing". We went to playlist live and I noticed that he knew SO many people and kept meeting more. None of them were huge youtubers, some didn't even have a channel. But then I realized how good he is at making friendships with 100s of people. Where as I met with a couple of people I'd known before I got there and basically stayed with them throughout the event.

He is always on twitter, but not just tweeting out to the world, he engages with people. He tweets at them, makes sure he has a conversation, and these people end up sharing his videos and promoting him. He comments on 100s of other videos and people recognize him on there and chat back. He is constantly connecting to new people. And all of this means these strangers become "acquaintances" and "friends" who subscribe to his channel and actually will watch his videos - hence more subs and views he can count on. Then they promote him and some of his promo work is done for him.

This is probably the one thing I don't do, and I really believe it is why I'm so behind. I watch 100s of videos but I hardly ever comment. I'm not very good at tweeting people and I go through phases of being active and interested and then letting it fall by the wayside when I'm comfortable where I'm at and simply just make new videos and hope that people find me. For example, I made an account here in Dec 2014 and read quite a bit but then barely commented and then haven't been on again until now.

This obviously does take time and effort, its not as simple as sub4sub which I truly believe doesn't work in the long run. This is building actual relationships with people, and a LOT of people. But I've seen it work, and not just for this guy, I've seen it work for another small youtuber too.

The only thing frustrating for me is that I can see this is something that works, yet I'm too lazy and tried after work to try and do it haha. But maybe you're different and it will work for you. Hope this helps!
Of course, this is the only way to get noticed nowadays when it comes to placing solo effort. it is difficult and I engage every now and then but not always sadly. This is great advice and those who can handle all of this it'd help without a doubt if you were to take it. :)
I agree with you wholeheartedly that is is all about networking. There's only so much I've been able to process in the three months my channel has been going but I think I've learned quickly. From G+ communities to stretch goal videos to what you say here, just simply commenting on other videos and networking on an individual level. The persistence will pay off I'm sure (hope! :p)
Im guessing being social is one of his natural strengths. Using your natural strength to your advantage is probably the secret here. Maybe you are a perfectionist. With time maybe you will see comments on your videos about how perfect everything is, from the thumbnail to the layout of the description etc and people love it.

No doubt the social side helps. It is 'social' media after all. People sharing videos with their peer group.

If you really want to get in on what he is doing read 'How to win friends and influence people'. At lease one of the principles will help you.

infact i'm going to take my advice and have a re-look at the principles in that book again and relate it to my channel.

Good luck!
I try to do this, but as I am not a naturally social person it's kind of hard for me. I never know if I'm doing it right. Do you just tweet at people that follow you and comment on a bunch of videos or is it more complicated than that?
Thanks for the post!
I'm leaning against it right now, Ha!
I'm more of a viewer on YouTube right now, so many great videos and not enough time to edit them myself!
I simply love watching and commenting on videos, interacting with the creators, actors and socializin. It wasn't always this way tho and is something I have only recently started. Coming out of my internet shell.
Even before I started my new persona and interest in video making I was quite social in events like parties and meeting up with people but now it's off the scale (A Rocket Blasting Off) so while I should be staying at home editing and uploading, I'm out in my locals drinking, chatting, dancing and socialising.
Found some great friendships by just going out there and I recommend you guys doing that too. Interact with the world around you, via the internet, stepping out the door or both!
Comment, Like and Share! ;-) Hehehe
I also have ebbs and flows to how social I am on YouTube and in life in general (Haven't been active on these forums in a long time)! Overall, I do find that it pays off when I'm more engaged, but it does take its toll, and it's hard to be as active as I would like and still work! Gotta find the balance that works for us!