Someone keeps saying they'll sue us?

One of the only correct answers came from Tarmack.
I am currently studying law and i can tell you that if you recorded him at a cosplay event you dont have to worry about anything.

Everyone has his right on privacy but this rights differs per location. Each location has a reasonable expectation of privacy tied to it. These expectations arent written down anywhere so they are based of common sense. In the open street you dont have any privacy so you can record people there without the need of consent. If these people are in their house/lawn it changes entirely.

Think of it this way: If it is a place you would dare to walk around naked, you have privacy rules procteting you. If its a place where you are not comfortable doing such thing then privacy laws probably dont apply.
(This is a very extreme example ofcourse, common sense still applies ;) )
I think you should be okay since there is no way to identify him. People that don't sign a consent for videos they just blur their face out which covers the legal issues of them not agreeing to it I am pretty sure
Wow I just get death threats. Suing actually sounds more worrisome for some reason. Good luck mate!
I believe he would have to contact YouTube first and then you would be contacted/flagged.. If that hasn't happened he is probably just trying to see what he can get away with... Compensation etc.
Still a scary thing to wake up to though.