Chase your dream but first finish a proper education. The chance you can do youtube the rest of your life is extremely small. You don't want to fry hamburgers in a few years while studying in the evening again to get a better job... Not that frying hamburgers is a bad job, but if you're capable to do more you should do it.
yea ur right. of course im going to finish my education and go to college, but passion (youtube) always goes over school.
Here is an example,
would you take care of your own baby or someone else's baby?
of course you would take care of your baby over someone else's. Its kind of the same concept with your passion vs something your not interested in which in this case is school. Of course you would choose your interest over some other thing.
I hope you get what I'm coming from.
yea ur right. of course im going to finish my education and go to college, but passion (youtube) always goes over school.
Here is an example,
would you take care of your own baby or someone else's baby?
of course you would take care of your baby over someone else's. Its kind of the same concept with your passion vs something your not interested in which in this case is school. Of course you would choose your interest over some other thing.
I hope you get what I'm coming from.
Do an education you actually love :)
I know all about babies, I have 3 kids :) They are a joy to have but also very expensive haha I regret sooooooooo much i didn't study better when i was your age. I got lucky I still managed to get a proper paid job after screwing it up the first time because I didn't like it either. Man it was so hard to work my but off for a low salary, study every evening and raise a baby at the same time. Don't make the mistake I made :)
Do an education you actually love :)
I know all about babies, I have 3 kids :) They are a joy to have but also very expensive haha I regret sooooooooo much i didn't study better when i was your age. I got lucky I still managed to get a proper paid job after screwing it up the first time because I didn't like it either. Man it was so hard to work my but off for a low salary, study every evening and raise a baby at the same time. Don't make the mistake I made :)
thanks for this tips man!! ill try lol
Just learn how to manage your time. Do the weekends thing, but just squeeze YT time when you've done your school work. It's kind of like you were working through College for instance, or have a double job, just instead of working, you're doing YT stuff.
Hey man, my opinion, unless you got like a million subs right now, at least finish HS haha and get into a good college. I know you love YouTube, I do too so I'm on the exact same page as you but AT LEAST finish HS with good grades. I know you're asian so unless you want a pure holy a** beating from your mother you better finish HS and get a degree at least lol, that's what I did before starting YouTube. Try releasing like 2 videos a week instead, just don't ignore school :)
School is important -- especially graduating high school. I'd put school before YouTube and only work on videos on the weekend. I personally advocate going for an advanced degree at a college, but I realize it isn't for everyone. It's a lot easier to make videos on the side while having an office job than to make videos on the side while having an exhausting customer service/minimum wage job with long hours.

I also felt like I changed so much while in school. A more insightful side of my brain developed while I was attending a university. I don't think it would have developed as much as it did if I stopped attending school.

Not everyone ends up needing their diploma, but it's a good piece of paper to have. ^_^
I made one of my videos in school as they had flash before I eventually got It. Every break time and lunch I would draw another few frames for it.

when I went to college i did animation, and we got to make a dissertation on our choice, so i made mine "how to make a carton series for YouTube" and that's what i did xD college gave me 3 years out of work to focus on YouTube and now i do it full time along with a one day a week min wage job to support.
there's a gap on my channel from when school happened but it's worth it in the end when you can spend that time getting ideas for future videos, and improving your editing and script writing skills.
Maybe reiterating some of the advice others have given will show you what is most important as you try to do this.

Balance school and Youtube. If you are really serious about Youtube, you will find a way. Maybe you'll be writing the ideas down while you are in class listening(ideas come anytime. I do this myself) and then that 30 minute, 1 hour window. Make the video.

All the best pal.
Hey man, my opinion, unless you got like a million subs right now, at least finish HS haha and get into a good college. I know you love YouTube, I do too so I'm on the exact same page as you but AT LEAST finish HS with good grades. I know you're asian so unless you want a pure holy a** beating from your mother you better finish HS and get a degree at least lol, that's what I did before starting YouTube. Try releasing like 2 videos a week instead, just don't ignore school :)
lol tru tru i know where ur coming from. yea imma try not to get them two in too much conflict.