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I think it's safe to say they were real. Have any of them started messaging you spammy stuff? That would be a big sign they are fake.
nope no spam :) Just all happened during a livestream[DOUBLEPOST=1500834280,1500834253][/DOUBLEPOST]
You can have a llok at the subscriber report in Analytics to see where they came from.
Unfortunately my sub report isnt updated that far yet, but I will keep checking it!
Haha okay, well I have Xbox and PC but I think a fun game for PC we could play is Move or Die, which is $15, or if you have any free ideas like idk Roblox or something lol, the only collab I did was on call of duty on my xbox
Hey if your getting bored I could do a roblox collab.
Hey if your getting bored I could do a roblox collab.

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