Q&A with low sub-numbers?

You might want to wait until you have more subscribers. The whole point of a Q&A is to answer questions your viewers are interested in and connect with your audience. If you don't have enough viewers yet, then there is 1) no one to answer your questions, and 2) there will be less appreciation for the answers you give. Of course, it's your channel so you should do whatever you want! :)
Defaintly think you should steer away from this idea. When I see a channel produce a Q&A i assume its because they have no other quality content.

That is untill im interested in their life, which during the short time you have been up isn't many people. Wait a few months then think about it!
You can post your Q&A thread over here on YTTALK. Many people will leave questions for you, then you can answer them. You should definitely do it.

Sorry dude, going to have to disagree. We will get very little return from it, personally I think it would be better if he spent that time creating other videos, or improving his branding and SEO.

That is just my opinion, everyone runs their channel differently :)
You can post your Q&A thread over here on YTTALK. Many people will leave questions for you, then you can answer them. You should definitely do it.
See, i see a lot of people do this and its stupid really, as other people have said and i agree with, Q&A's are for interacting, asking and answering the questions your viewers want to know not just answering questions for the sake of it. If you're gunna do that you may aswell google ''good Q&A questions'' and read them off haha because it's exactly the same.
Instead of a Q and A you could do a 'get to know me' or TMI tag video. Answering a set of questions to help possible viewers get to know you. I would wait until maybe 50 subs but just an alternative for you.

Anyway one piece of advice I remembered this week and plan to work into my channel is 'People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it' - Simon Sinek. So maybe a 'why I started youtube' video would be more appropriate for one of those 100 unsubscribed people to watch and connect with you.

Good luck.
There's no specific rule in place that dictates when you can and can't release a Q&A video - so, if you want to make one then by all means, go for it!

However, it is fairly common knowledge that a larger audience will draw in more questions - and even if the 4 subs you have happen to be the most inquisitive creatures on the planet, I'm not predicting a whole lot of variety coming out of just 4 brains. That's why others usually wait until certain milestones so that they have time to accumulate genuine questions and comments from their audience.

I mean, you could always ask for more here, but I find it's a lot more satisfying if you know the questions you're getting are coming from a source that genuinely watches and enjoys your content. Buuuuut, that's just me!

You do you, my dear.
Hey everyone. I have a question. I am now vlogging for a week, got some subs, I guess one of you even subscribed, so a big thank you my friend if you see it.

Basically, I would love to run a Q&A next week, but I get only 100 views or so and I have 4 subs. Would you run a Q&A now? Or should I wait until I get more views?

Personally I think you should wait till you have more of a fan base, I would wait to do a Q&A when you have A LEAST 500 subscribers on YouTube and that is when you really going to get lots of questions from your viewers. :)

I know you might be thinking getting 500 subscribers will take a long time till you get that amount of people watching I mean just focus on your making great video content, promote yourself on social media, branding and learn YouTube SEO(which brings you lots of people to your channel and watching your videos) and getting 500 subscribers will come in no time(hopefully)... :)