Profanity and what not LOL

I swear a lot but it's mainly out of habit. Personally, I just see it as words so doesn't really mean that much to me if other people I watch swear
I recently got a comment from someone saying she liked my video but was very disappointed about the profanity. (I said "damn" once in the video) So yeah, she got blocked lol.
I recently got a comment from someone saying she liked my video but was very disappointed about the profanity. (I said "damn" once in the video) So yeah, she got blocked lol.
thats a little too sensative of a person lol fuuuuck that
I only swear when I'm mad..and even those swear words would be rated PG... xD I don't mind other people swearing (I grew up around it), but sometimes it gets excessive and annoying, especially in music.... If there is nothing left to someone's sentence after the swear words are removed, I usually just leave the video. Sometimes swearing can make something funnier, but it's something I wouldn't be able to do very well..... I think it's better to err on the "less swearing" side of the potty-mouth spectrum because not all viewers can tolerate a lot of cussing. I've also heard of viewers getting mad at YouTubers for NOT swearing, which I find interesting....apparently a few swear words make a person seem "more genuine" to viewers... o.0 There's probably some sort of optimal amount of swearing that makes the most people happy, but I have no idea what it would be... =/