Its Ryan

Hey guys I am a new gamer and I have a big question for you guys.
I have been posting every Sunday and Wednesday, but the problem is I feel like I should be posting more.
Should I post more or not because my videos take a long time to edit (if you look at them you can see).
I was thinking of every two days, but idk.
I would say to do whatever feels comfortable for you, only you know how long it takes you to edit your videos, so try to take that into account when making a new schedule
With gaming i think every few days if not daily but i guess it depends how much editing your willing to do, a friend of mine doesnt edit and this year has went from 200 subs to 1.2k though he uploads daily... but equally my other friend who puts lots of editing in hasnt really grown at all and he was once a week uploads... im not a gamer so i cant say whats best to be honest... just find what works for you and maybe ask your viewers too what would work for them ?
Do whatever is comfortable to you! If you start overworking yourself, your videos will start to lack the quality they currently have.
I'd say do what best fits your schedule. I post every Wednesday and Thursday because those two days are best for me. One thing to note is that the more videos you get the more potential views you can have. But when your starting it will help but you don't want to stress your self out and leave YouTube.