~Poll~Curiousity and Opinions about gaming (please vote at least!)

What do you think makes a good gaming video?

  • webcam overlay

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • video effects

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • new games

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • old games

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • obscure games

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • original music/art

    Votes: 3 23.1%

  • Total voters
you all say or at least have a consensus of "editting effects" but i'm curious. what effects, more specifically? what styles? What editing process?

Thank you so much for the feedback so far! You guys are awesome!
you all say or at least have a consensus of "editting effects" but i'm curious. what effects, more specifically? what styles? What editing process?

Thank you so much for the feedback so far! You guys are awesome!

Sometimes a simple text in the top of the screen does wonders, sometimes a close up on some thing you find funny.
combination of GOOD editing and personality is what I love in any gaming video
None for me as well.

It's all about making entertainment, whether this be through personality alone, funny editing, skillful gameplay to exemplify, or a mix of all three... at the end of the day you're creating a video in the world of entertainment and you could have all of the options listed but without having the mindset to make a video that entertains your audience, it could turn out just another boring video.

Similarly I dont think you need any of those things to make a "good" gaming video, but if you already have a good video those things can be put on top to emphasize you persona
Fellow gamer and reviewer here. This is my input since the little poll didn't have much for me to work off of.

I would argue that its the personality and production value that makes a good gaming channel. I could care less if you have a facecam if the actual content is not entertaining. I couldn't care less about the games you're playing if your personality is engaging.

Keep in mind that people won't be subscribing to you for the games you cover, as opposed to the personality covering them. Keep production value high. Enjoy making the content you do. And you'll be better off than a good percentage of people I know :)

sorry, i'm still new to the forums thing. so i'm sorry for the double post. but yeah. a little more specific on the editing ideas. quite a few of you say "editting" but you dont clarify. that's like saying:

"I like motorcycles"
oh really, what kind?
"The one with two wheels and a motor"


but either way, all the feedback is super helpful still!
my choice is not there. i want the person to be fun, engaging and be decent at the game they are playing

i watch a ton of lets plays and gaming content. and ironically every single thing in your poll i could not give a s**t about
my choice is not there. i want the person to be fun, engaging and be decent at the game they are playing

i watch a ton of lets plays and gaming content. and ironically every single thing in your poll i could not give a s**t about

thank you! :) that poll was just a rough idea of stuff off the top of my head at 4am, and nothing i give too much of a poo about either. I personally want everyone's opinion about the gaming side and what they think makes a good video. i mean a really in depth look at the videos themselves. i am working on a video explaining the gaming side of things, to possibly help other people and most likely just be funny and entertaining! so i really appreciate the feedback i'm getting! This is awesome! I may quote a few of you guys also, in the video if that's alright.
I think editing is so important! few want to watch gameplay without any explanation of whats happening! remember that the purpose of your videos is to entertain - you know whats going on because you filmed it, but your audience may not! I think interesting commentary is also a key element for good gaming videos - constant, clear and entertaining :P
If you want to add commentary to a gaming, don't come across as boring, be yourself (if your not boring) and things should work out. Don't necessarily try to be the next jackseptici just be you and have fun with it, often time just saying everything you think and you be fine
yeah. I've been told that i can be pretty entertaining with my stories and the way I talk, myself. and being creative with the editting. but there are so many different ways to edit. i'm trying to hone in on my own
style and such as well. Thank you!
i would pick editing of those choices. i am kinda lucky don't really edit my videos at all. but i can rant for hours straight and people seem to like it. but i when watching many youtube videos. they are so many dull gaps where nothing is happening where it could of just been edited. on the flip side. too many edits is even worse. a vlog with a jump cut after every 2 words is infuriating. or gameplay where you never get to see whats going on because it jumps to the next thing after 2 seconds