PEWDIEPIE IS A NAZI?! | Overwatch Gameplay


I Love YTtalk
Except he isn't. He really isn't you guys.
Before anyone kills me, yes I will have a straight up gameplay video up tomorrow, I swear, but for now I wanna leech off a trending topic that I actually really care about, and that's regarding wether or not Pewdiepie is antisemetic. This is a touchy subject, but this really needs to be said.
Thanks for watching! If you have anything you wanna say regarding the video please let me know, it helps my videos get better! Also, if you wanna talk about the Pewdiepie situation, leave a comment and we can talk about it; i'm open for discussing topics as always!
Thumbnail needs a questionmark that is all, otherwise it's a clickbait, too obvious clickbait. Make it a question and it actually looks like a legit video to watch.
Thumbnail needs a questionmark that is all, otherwise it's a clickbait, too obvious clickbait. Make it a question and it actually looks like a legit video to watch.
better? totally got where you were coming from as far as clickbaity goes:happy:
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