Gaming Pc YouTubers 17+


Hey my name is Vince or as they know me as ChinoPlayz on youtube. Im looking for other loyal friends to record with and we can grow together, becasue collabaration is key. Im 19 years old and play really everything but im really trying to get a great series on the new dayz update or something survival wise. not only that i would love to play ROE with a squad that would be awesome. im getting ark for pc aswell so vids for that coming soon. To wrap everything up i just want a group where we all get along and be on this youtube grind together.

steam: ChinoPlayz

Snapchat: Romone_Royal

if the steam one dont work then add me on snapchat and we will that out.

type in youtube, Chinoplayz. Its a tiger profile pic with 650 subs.
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