[Most Favorite] - [Least Favorite] Comments


Liking YTtalk
So I've been doing youtube for almost 3 weeks now gained some subscribers, put out a bunch of videos and received some comments.
Most of them are pretty positive right now, but I want to hear from you guys, which ones cracked you up the most or made you borderline depressed.
This is just a thread for discussions and opinions and I hope I can learn some lessons from you :)
See ya :)
I am still new to Youtube, but so far I have had two comments. One was encouraging me to keep working hard, and another informing that they would be my first subscriber.

Humans can be more kind than I thought.
I am still new to Youtube, but so far I have had two comments. One was encouraging me to keep working hard, and another informing that they would be my first subscriber.

Humans can be more kind than I thought.

yeah I already had some surprisingly positive comments so far.
I'll be checking out your channel too maybe I'm the next sub :O
My favourite comments would definitely have to be the ones saying you deserve more subs! In regards to the worst, probably just the general stuff of how I should stop. On a side note, I always laugh at the ones that point out my Australian accent which are quite common haha!
Least favorite comment: "Domics Wannabe"

This kinda sticked for a milisecond because its the first negative comment (there was also one saying a 13-year old would have a better channel than me, but that one was funny lol, too bad they deleted it a minute after). But literally a moment later I didnt care about it, plus it meant Im on the right path since Domics is one of the biggest animators on youtube so yeah, thats pretty cool.

Most favorite comments: I have two kinds.

"Remember me when you hit 1 million" - this one is a huge motivator and I love this type of comments. Implying that someone thinks my content is worth so many subs even if the opinion is subjective and all, its really nice to read it. And I got dozens of these which is neat.

"I like it/ dont like it but fix your mic." or "Speak louder."

I love these as much, because regardless of whether they liked the video or not, they gave me a constructive argument and comment about how I can improve, and this is very important tbh.

Anyway, I got a couple of bad comments, but I dont mind them, I've been a regular internet user long enough to know how trolling works lol. Plus on just 3 videos I got 200+ positive comments. High engagement, and on top of it, very positive. Hoping not to jinx it. So far so good :D
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I've been lucky so far, in that I've had mostly positive comments. I've had one or 2 negative ones, and one I blocked for just being downright abusive, which isn't a community I want to build. I've had some amazing comments from some really lovely people. In fact only just yesterday someone said how much they enjoyedon't my videos, and the humor side of things. And also that they are making my food! Which is important lol. If I make a positive impact on someone's life, then I am happy. It's a good feeling to be helpful and inspire others ☺
Tbh with you I just love when people comment about things in the video or give me constructive criticism. I also love the comments that say that my content makes them smile or laugh. My least favorite comments have to be spam comments. The ones saying how great your content is and that they are doing a shout out series bleh bleh bleh. I've gotten a few of these and they depress me more than anything because they aren't genuine and just take advantage of smaller YouTubers. Things that are super generic like awesome video come check out my channel. Sometimes i wanna stoop that low. ( I'm sure we all feel that way sometimes) But I want to keep my integrity. I won't lie ive wanted to do sub for sub to get to 100 >.< 84 and counting.

On a semi related note. I got top comment on a jelly video and someone hit me hard by saying I look to old to be watching jelly.. I was so sad I'm only 22 :(
So I've been doing youtube for almost 3 weeks now gained some subscribers, put out a bunch of videos and received some comments.
Most of them are pretty positive right now, but I want to hear from you guys, which ones cracked you up the most or made you borderline depressed.
This is just a thread for discussions and opinions and I hope I can learn some lessons from you :)
See ya :)
The comments which annoy me are those subscriber prize draw trawls. When someone randomly posts yours and 100 other vids talking crap about liking your channel and they might promote it if you subscribe to them
Tbh with you I just love when people comment about things in the video or give me constructive criticism. I also love the comments that say that my content makes them smile or laugh. My least favorite comments have to be spam comments. The ones saying how great your content is and that they are doing a shout out series bleh bleh bleh. I've gotten a few of these and they depress me more than anything because they aren't genuine and just take advantage of smaller YouTubers. Things that are super generic like awesome video come check out my channel. Sometimes i wanna stoop that low. ( I'm sure we all feel that way sometimes) But I want to keep my integrity. I won't lie ive wanted to do sub for sub to get to 100 >.< 84 and counting.

On a semi related note. I got top comment on a jelly video and someone hit me hard by saying I look to old to be watching jelly.. I was so sad I'm only 22 :(

yeah man totally agree with you. Though I would never do sub 4 sub I think it just generates so many "dead subs" and I don't want that to happen. Got 38 atm and the only ones I know are my gf and my brother. rest? complete strangers but people seem to like it :)[DOUBLEPOST=1485965288,1485965254][/DOUBLEPOST]
The comments which annoy me are those subscriber prize draw trawls. When someone randomly posts yours and 100 other vids talking crap about liking your channel and they might promote it if you subscribe to them

yeah I haven't encountered those so far but I have to agree. Those are the worst ^^'
The ones I love best are the compliments for obvious reasons; but they do always cheer up my day immeasurably. Really though any comment where they've obviously watched the vid I get something out of, whether it's positive or negative. I haven't had anything awful yet, though I did headdesk at the lassie saying "great vid! please enter my MAC giveaway." (Took me a few moments to realise she meant make-up not a computer. Ahem.