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Hi I am Frost Titan

I am a kid friendly Youtuber who is searching for positive, funny, and energetic players who post frequently. I am super easy to get along with. I create videos on Skywars, Deathruns, Modded Hide N Seek, and Roleplay. I record a bunch of videos with a lot of content creators and can provide you graphic designers and intro makers as well. If you think im your guy to collab with, add me on discord or contact me at my email. Let me Know what you think?

Discord: Frost Titan#9778

See you soon;)
Yo, So I do minecraft video like you and I need some more people to play and record with, me and my friend have also started a discord server for a bunch of like-minded creators to play and collab!! I have added you on discord mine is LeoGamer#8898

Hey I was wondering if you would like to collab I am a family friendly channel and I am looking for someone to collab with, if you aren't a family friendly then just tell me. from TheScarletSpeedsterGaming look me up why not.

Discord: TheScarletSpeedster⚡#1363
Im down for it! Discord: SnapFreaks#5121

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Thanks :)
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