I'm 15 yrs old I have a Ps4 and i'm looking to collaborate with people
current subs - 52
current views - 514
Email- Matrixcentralxx@gmail.com
Psn- Matrix_Central
Games i have- Rainbow 6, Gtav, Bo3, The Division, BFH, and Minecraft (lol)

But other than Have an amazing day
I'm Down to Collab

My YT is Kxmier, my link isn't working for some odd reason so just search me up
Looking for the same thing really. Started today so got no videos on but currently editing on. Xbox one and 360. Hit me up on here if you're in interested.

YT is D33 JAY
Hey man I have an xb1 my gt is Airkha101 and my yt is Airkha or you can click on the link I think we can so some funny moments so if u want hit me up
If you have a Ps4 and have gtav , bo3 , or rainbow six siege, we could then collaborate
i'm trying to do funny moments and a let's play series on fallout 4 but hit me up if you're interested in doing a collab on ps4
Yeah, I'd be looking for people to play with. I make highlight gaming content type videos. I have an Xbox One, 360, Wii U, and plenty of Steam games.
Yeah, I'd be looking for people to play with. I make highlight gaming content type videos. I have an Xbox One, 360, Wii U, and plenty of Steam games.
hey man i have an xb1 too if you want we already have two people we can play and record some videos
my gt is Airkha101
hit me up if interested