Hello my name's Sean , I'm from Singapore, a chinese Asian (LOL). I will prefer people who are closer to my timezone, but if u guys are interested I'm willing to discuss the playing time to see where we can find room for it.
Other than that my only requirement is really to be mature (things like raging in a very srs way that will break the harmony of the team and etc will not be tolerated)
But let me just say that I really got inspired to do this recently and I just started a YouTube channel (a whole new fresh one) . So if you guys wouldn't mind playing and collabing with me hit me up man
My discord is Seanwdx #7539.
I'm practically fine with playing any and every game (I tried alot of games before and i don't mind buying games either) , but the usual games that I play is :
-Apex Legends.
I'm using Sony Vegas to edit my videos and posting it soon after I find a group of people who are committed to this
Other than that my only requirement is really to be mature (things like raging in a very srs way that will break the harmony of the team and etc will not be tolerated)
But let me just say that I really got inspired to do this recently and I just started a YouTube channel (a whole new fresh one) . So if you guys wouldn't mind playing and collabing with me hit me up man
My discord is Seanwdx #7539.
I'm practically fine with playing any and every game (I tried alot of games before and i don't mind buying games either) , but the usual games that I play is :
-Apex Legends.
I'm using Sony Vegas to edit my videos and posting it soon after I find a group of people who are committed to this