Gaming Looking for oculus rift gaming group

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I have an oculus rift and recently they have added lots of cool multiplayer games and so I'm trying to find people to maybe collab or just play with on some vr games that I would record and post on my channel.

My gamer tag on oculus is JDBOSS13, if u wanna play then just hit me up a friend request
Hey, I would love to play with you sometime XD. I am a full time furry and would love to find someone who excepts me. Pls respond, im 16 years old and would love to play. Rawr
Hey, I would love to play with you sometime XD. I am a full time furry and would love to find someone who excepts me. Pls respond, im 16 years old and would love to play. Rawr

@Johnny Choe

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Thanks :)
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