Gaming Looking For Collab Partners To Play Pc Games With

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Dion Krit

Hey guys my name is Dion and i am 14
i have 61 subs now
don't be shy try to be confident
Looking For Small YouTube Collab Partners
Sorry but no Squeakers ;)
I have 61 subs on my YT because i didn't post much but now im pumped and ready to collab
and really get the ball rolling with my YT Gaming channel...

Must Be 13 or higher but not old and creepy ;)
My YT Channel is ChocChipLetsplay

if your interested just write below and ill check your channel out and get back to you if i think i will be comfortable collabing with you!

Check some of my videos if you like to see how i act and to really get to know me before you comment bellow ;P

Kind Regards

Dion / ChocChipLetsPlay
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