& it finally hits!

Nikki, just let it go. Don't let it bother you so much. Yeah it's a bit annoying but every channel has dislikes. Look at how many subs and likes you have instead. Those numbers should outweigh the bad ones in your mind and if they don't, that means you've taken your fans and those people who do like your videos for granted so you should refocus your energy on them.
I'm also inclined to think it's just someone you may have offended personally that has a vendetta against you. Don't let one or two people stop you from entertaining your 100+ subscribers.
Have you ever heard the phrase "any attention is good attention"? Because it's true with YouTube videos. Trolls paradoxically help YouTube channels by actively trying to hurt them. More views and more comments means more attention for your videos. Dislikes do absolutely nothing to hinder your progress.
Yeah i tried reddit too, didn't do much except attract more trolls lol. The dislike button would be more useful if you could only leave a dislike on someone's video if you actually gave a good reason why but i doubt youtube will be getting to that anytime soon. Thank you :) i try.
Yeah some sort of feedback tool would be good, or at least make it so they have to watch the entire video before they can dislike it so we don't just get trolls coming on and dislking the video in the first second and clicking away. But as you said, we won't be getting anything like that any time soon, if ever. Still, just forget about them and don't let them get the better of you. Once your channel grows even more they will become so insignificant that you won't even notice them :)
Have you ever heard the phrase "any attention is good attention"? Because it's true with YouTube videos. Trolls paradoxically help YouTube channels by actively trying to hurt them. More views and more comments means more attention for your videos. Dislikes do absolutely nothing to hinder your progress.

I politely disagree with the notion that haters giving you views helps you get more attention. Fans help you get more attention and continuos views. People who like your content help you grow your channel, not trolls. Trolls won't tell their friends to post your video on their fb to help you. Their comments are insignificant in raising any type of ranking. From a monetary perspective, that 1 view didn't even earn you a single penny. Trolls are assholes, don't try to spin it like some benefit for a small channel.
Nikki, just let it go. Don't let it bother you so much. Yeah it's a bit annoying but every channel has dislikes. Look at how many subs and likes you have instead. Those numbers should outweigh the bad ones in your mind and if they don't, that means you've taken your fans and those people who do like your videos for granted so you should refocus your energy on them.
It's not just the dislikes, the dislikes I can take, but it's the nasty comments every freaking morning the first thing i see when I wake up. THAT is more than annoying. I haven't taken my fans for granted, i love them & is one of the reasons why I've kept going, but these trolls will no doubt soon outweigh the good -.-'

I'm also inclined to think it's just someone you may have offended personally that has a vendetta against you. Don't let one or two people stop you from entertaining your 100+ subscribers.
Haha i wish it was just one or two, it's a lot of people/trolls whoever they are. I have about 3-4 people in real life that absolutely hate me that have a lot of time on their hands to do this & share it to their minions to join in. I can't stop that, I can block/ban as many trolls on there but it keeps coming somehow. Eh, maybe it's just me, i'm a very easy to hate apparently.

Have you ever heard the phrase "any attention is good attention"? Because it's true with YouTube videos. Trolls paradoxically help YouTube channels by actively trying to hurt them. More views and more comments means more attention for your videos. Dislikes do absolutely nothing to hinder your progress.
Yeah i know all that but it doesn't mean it doesn't take a toll on me personally at some point. I'm only human after all. But doesn't more dislikes & negative comments attract more trolls? Legit question haha...
Hey Nikki, have you tried blacklisting words? I know it won't stop them commenting, but it would stop the comments from showing up.

(Won't let me paste a link - Creator Studio > Community > Community settings)

Overall I think they're probably just jealous because you seem like such a lovely person and make really good videos.
Hey Nikki, have you tried blacklisting words? I know it won't stop them commenting, but it would stop the comments from showing up.

(Won't let me paste a link - Creator Studio > Community > Community settings)

Overall I think they're probably just jealous because you seem like such a lovely person and make really good videos.

Trolls have become smart with the word ban thing, they don't swear but still insult you haha

Thanks so much Tori :)
I'm just send you some love and positive thoughts for today (and ever) :) You decide what is best for you but I think I can speak for us all when we say we don't want you to delete your channel! <3

Thanks Emily :) I won't delete it that's for sure. Just said it on the day I posted this because I was having a horrific day where absolutely nothing went right, literally!