& it finally hits!

Why don't you simply delete these comments and block the users? It is a 1000 times easier to block somebody than to make a new account. You can use also filters for certain words in the comments.
It does suck, especially as a small youtuber because a couple of dislikes can throw that like bar waaaay out! I think the dislike button is completely useless to be honest. Seriously though, really do keep your chin up, and never give the trolls the satisfaction of a reply, otherwise they will keep coming back for more and it will get worse. I have experienced a couple of trolls on Reddit, but then i started promoting on better subreddits that weren't full of trolls. You don't get as many views because the subreddits are much smaller, but the viewers are much better.

I know its frustrating, but keep your head up, keep doing what you enjoy and screw the trolls!
do you have anyone in your life or online that may be upset with you? I have ariend thats a small YouTuber and he was getting the same thing, lots of dislikes etc for no reason. Ended up being a guy he got into with an argument made a few yt accnts just to down vote his videos. Maybe something similar in your case?
Yeah i know quite a few people that would do this, & it did start when I advertised it on facebook to people I went to school with (only a few though that I trusted mind you, I guess i can't trust these people, mistake on my end).
The people are sadly 2 ex's & their million minions. I've tried finding their accounts but could only find one or two, & not to mention I have no idea how many fake accounts they've created just for this. & I've noticed that some of this happens when I advertise on google+ communities, i mean advertising there works heaps for me but of course at the same time I attract the many trolls. I actually can't really win in this situation.[DOUBLEPOST=1429629090,1429628959][/DOUBLEPOST]
It does suck, especially as a small youtuber because a couple of dislikes can throw that like bar waaaay out! I think the dislike button is completely useless to be honest. Seriously though, really do keep your chin up, and never give the trolls the satisfaction of a reply, otherwise they will keep coming back for more and it will get worse. I have experienced a couple of trolls on Reddit, but then i started promoting on better subreddits that weren't full of trolls. You don't get as many views because the subreddits are much smaller, but the viewers are much better.

I know its frustrating, but keep your head up, keep doing what you enjoy and screw the trolls!

Yeah i tried reddit too, didn't do much except attract more trolls lol. The dislike button would be more useful if you could only leave a dislike on someone's video if you actually gave a good reason why but i doubt youtube will be getting to that anytime soon. Thank you :) i try.[DOUBLEPOST=1429629180][/DOUBLEPOST]
Why don't you simply delete these comments and block the users? It is a 1000 times easier to block somebody than to make a new account. You can use also filters for certain words in the comments.
I do block these accounts & delete these comments, it's what i've done from day 1. I didn't mean make a new account as obviously that wouldn't do anything, I meant deleting & stopping youtube altogether.[DOUBLEPOST=1429629292][/DOUBLEPOST]
These people will soon get tired and go away. They are giving you attention as they want attention. In the mean time keep growing your channel. *hugs*
Lol they won't go away to be quite honest, these people that i do know in real life that are doing this, have been making my life hell for about 4 years, simply because i broke up with them. Yeah, immature right? Doesn't stop them.
But thank you :) *hugs*
Nikki, darling!! Walk with me, talk with me. :running: I know that YOU know that you should keep your chin up in these situations. But I also don't think it does you any favors when you give the trolls attention. Even by repeatedly saying that you don't care about them and their dislikes, it's comes off as appearing like you do care. Not to mention making a "Dear Haters" video to specific address them :D Just let them be and hopefully they'll move on with time :spin: 30 day challenge for you: you are not allowed to say troll or hater.
Nikki, darling!! Walk with me, talk with me. :running: I know that YOU know that you should keep your chin up in these situations. But I also don't think it does you any favors when you give the trolls attention. Even by repeatedly saying that you don't care about them and their dislikes, it's comes off as appearing like you do care. Not to mention making a "Dear Haters" video to specific address them :D Just let them be and hopefully they'll move on with time :spin: 30 day challenge for you: you are not allowed to say troll or hater.

To be honest I really didn't care before, but when it's happening so often now, it obviously had to get to me at some point, i'm not made of a frozen heart, I'm human. I don't give them attention, I block them, ban them from my channel, i don't reply, simple as that. They don't get any interaction from me whatsoever except from them watching my content. Those hater video's were for a laugh, there's heaps of youtubers who have done it just to put it out there & for a laugh. & to most likely create an awareness to some youtubers that there is people out there who do that sort of stuff. I've done my part on keeping strong for long enough, not to mention other things happening in my life that would affect this too. So technically these trolls are just the sprinkles on every other crapola thing happening at the moment.
I'm kind of the opposite...for a small Youtube channel of my size I'm surprised I don't have any haters or trolls so far (but hey, I'm not complaining haha)

But I'm gonna go with the general consensus here and say ignore the trolls and keep doing Youtube :) don't feed the Trolls and give them what they want by quitting! Also, don't respond to their comments either - thats also "Feeding The Trolls" :p

Although I think one positive thing that you can do with it is maybe make a video responding to those comments! Think like those Youtubers or even the Jimmy Kimmel segment where Celebs respond to mean comments in a funny way!
I'm kind of the opposite...for a small Youtube channel of my size I'm surprised I don't have any haters or trolls so far (but hey, I'm not complaining haha)

But I'm gonna go with the general consensus here and say ignore the trolls and keep doing Youtube :) don't feed the Trolls and give them what they want by quitting! Also, don't respond to their comments either - thats also "Feeding The Trolls" :p

Although I think one positive thing that you can do with it is maybe make a video responding to those comments! Think like those Youtubers or even the Jimmy Kimmel segment where Celebs respond to mean comments in a funny way!

Again, I don't ever reply to their comments, never have never will. I simply block, ban from my channel, report & delete comment. "Feeding The Trolls" doesn't work either way, "feed" them or not, they still do it & still feel good about themselves just from pressing send, with or without the reply.

I've done my dear haters etc video for them in a funny way, so been there done that. I'm no way in hell going to keep their comments just so i can respond to them all in a video dedicated to it, that's the same as replying to them in comments. Celebs can do that all they want, it doesn't matter cos key word... 'CELEBS' they have millions of fans, they couldn't care less about a few haters.
I couldn't care less about haters and I am far from a celebrity. I have fed my fair share of trolls, deleted and flagged comments but I have yet to ban someone from my channel. Internet warriors, there are many. And they are usually teens with nothing better to do, and more importantly, no spine to back it up in real life. A kid that knows his/her way around an MMA ring, or is just grown up won't bother with starting crap on the internet. It's only those that have something to prove that lash out using the only medium that won't land them in a tight spot. Unless they are stupid enough to reveal themselves that is.