Can try for Facebook's video stuff if you want to start somewhere new(ish if you dont count FB as being old since it's already existing).
I think that you can grow here if you want to, but you nee the right approach and right mindset. If there are 1000 pizzerias in your town, you probably shouldn't open one up, right?
Instead, you find that there's no pizzerias that serve all natural, gluten-free paleo stuff. Well, that's called a NICHE that can be filled in an otherwise saturated market.
If you have any business know-how, you can still grow. I've been inconsistent as all hell over the last 2 years, but I hit 100 subs in less than 45 days in gaming because of a niche. I've grown around 200 subs since January (I believe, may be a tad off) after 5 months or so of absence due to a niche, again within gaming as a whole.
Back to the pizzeria, lets say there are 10,000 pizzerias in your town instead. 1,000 are gluten-free paleo healthy pizza places. BUT, only 5 are full of gorgeous women who dress scandalously, BOOM, NICHE! People would shop there because of that (sorry ladies, I don't advocate this but it happens).
Now, lastly, keep in mind that is has to be something people still go after. Take that above example, 1,000 are gluten-free paleo healthy pizza places. BUT, only YOU have the scandalously dressed over-aged men. Again, no offense is meant toward anyone that wants to do this in their own life, but as a business, people probably won't shop there due to that. NICHE, but not a NICHE people want.