Okay! I can do that!
Hai. I'm the director of the Union for Gamers program, I took over in late January and have been revamping stuff for the past few months. I'll try to address some of the stuff in this thread.
DarkSerge: You somehow got lost in the migration, we're moving to a new support platform this week and a few tickets got lost in the transition. New support platform should be live this week, and I made sure your revenues are visible now, sorry about that.
Maker Studio: Yes, we're under them but we operate independently on pretty much every level, we run partners relations, contracts, payments, and direct sales with our own teams. They had the experience we needed to start and we're extremely happy to work with them. Our revenue share is a 90/10% for partners, there is no hidden cut at higher levels or anything. (We wouldn't be able to hide it in YT Analytics if we did that to be honest)
Support: Honestly, things could have been better in the past. I'm hiring more people and we have backup coming up on that, the priority was to straighten up the onboarding of new partners to get rid of the insane backlog we have. As I mentioned earlier, we're moving to a new platform this week and I'll probably regret mentioning it in public, but we should have the first version of a dashboard ready next week or the week after. We'll then iterate from that and bring tons of shinies that have been on my list for a while.
And to answer that last reply, yeah, we're updating the contract to clean it up, include live stream monetization, and maybe make it slightly prettier.
If you have any question about the network, go ahead, I'll stick around. ^^