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Study study study and learn how to make a video or gateway series of videos that's going to put you out there. You have to get to whatever game before the big boys and even sometimes thats not enough. Even though your only chances of getting to a game before them is gamejolt or because otherwise those bigger gaming companies go to those big youtubers and have them do a review on it so in reality you're screwed unless you have an ultimate plan. I still am working on a plan, however I've seen some smaller gaming youtubers hit some recent growth due to videos they uploaded about 8 months to a year ago. It really takes some time for a video to REALLY grow. I've also noticed if you have a video that gets sudden growth over night or something doesn't last long (as for views). I could be wrong on the over night sudden views but that's what I've noticed. In order to have a video get tons of growth that leads to subscriber growth it takes some time. I've also heard the YouTube algorithm takes a while to even get a video going in the algorithm. There's a ton I could sit here and spit out but and this forum has helped me a ton. I am not a big youtuber or anything but I study how youtube works and where I can really get going on the youtube platform. I do not make videos for money, I do it for fun but everyone wants views. Making content for just yourself is kind of boring... I like e