This is something I've been thinking about a lot lately and now I've found this forum, I'd like to get your guys' opinion on it.
Having only started uploading videos a few months ago it can be easy to feel that the market is already saturated and there are too many YouTubers already out there doing what you're doing. Is there ever a time that is too late to start on YouTube? Have we missed the boat?
What got me thinking is that recently I've noticed a few of the bigger YouTubers saying things like "when I got started YouTube wasn't big so I've grown with it" and "when I began there was much less out there and fewer people to compete with" - which I understand, and in some respects I agree. When the original 'famous' YouTubers first signed up and started making videos there were a lot less channels, meaning they were easier to find, and now there are more users than ever they have been able to continue to grow in accordance with that.
But on the other hand this is the biggest YouTube has ever been and it is quickly becoming one of the biggest social media platforms/online communities in the world, so is it just as good to start now whilst YouTube is at it's peak?
I find myself always torn between "I've started YouTube too late" and "YouTube is just going to get bigger and bigger so now is as good a time as any".
What're you views on this?