Is It Too Late To Start On YouTube?

Sure it might be a tougher market now that there's more competition, but it's not too late to start YouTube. It just means there's a higher barrier to entry - you need to make high quality content that competes with big channels. Also, since there's more YouTube viewers these days, it might even be easier to tap into niche categories, as back in the day there might not have been enough viewers for that niche to be profitable.

I don't believe in "riding the boat" or "missing the boat", because that's really just a way to credit your success/failure to some external force, not yourself. I know several successful channels that were started fairly recently, even though it's "too late". (people have been saying it's "too late" for years) They just make great content, connect with their audience, and hustled till they made it.
Well, imagine if you never started a channel and you realize a couple years from now that it was never 'too late' in the first place, everyone has to start at some point. YT is only gonna continue to grow and it's gonna get harder and harder to start out, so it's as good as any time to start out now.
Here is the most honest answer you will get... IT IS too late and yet IT IS not too late.
It is to late for the goldrush but don't mean gold is all gone.It just means it will take 5 times more work than the first people who did their channel.
[QUOTE = "BeccyBells, publicación: 2159837, miembro: 73208"]
¡Por supuesto que no es demasiado tarde! Solo necesita estar activo, hacer videos relevantes, videos impactantes, videos divertidos, videos inspiradores, videos casuales, lo que sea que quiera hacer, hágalo con todo su corazón y no se rinda. ¡Por ejemplo, Kyutie es una youtuber bastante nueva y ya llegó a más de un millón de suscriptores! ¡Natalia Taylor también es bastante nueva y tiene 600 000 suscriptores! Solo necesita llamar la atención de las personas y hacer que quieran quedarse. Además, diría que es bueno llegar a otros youtubers y promocionarse, hacerse amigos, apoyarse mutuamente, porque realmente ayuda a construir un canal.:)

(Quiero decir ... no tengo muchos suscriptores, así que tal vez debería callarme, pero sé que puedes hacerlo si realmente luchas por ello)
Hiiii! I am Natalia, i am not a youtuber but I want ti be this. I am spanish so i cant say good all thigs. Can you help me to be a good youtuber? Well, is for a friend called Kalding 1605 it has 34 subscribers. Thanks!!