In your experience, does uploading videos everyday hurt or hinder your channel?

I try to upload every weekday. I do notice that my sub count went up more and faster when i started doing the every weekday upload.
I used to do daily uploads and when I was doing it my channel grew really well. I then got ill and I missed uploads due to it and it killed my channel. So I think it's good if you can maintain it.

I've changed my style now and growth is coming so I'm happy and I have a lot more time to myself which is good.
Well all comes to the content of your videos and in your case I think you could do a daily upload schedule but you should do a try and see if you can keep it up because having an everchanging schedule isn't so good.
Answering to the question I think that daily uploads can help a channel, in fact I don't believe to the people who say that a daily upload can hurt your subs because of 2 main reasons: the subs are there for you and you just offer more content, and also because that is your channel and you can do basically whatever you want.

But I firmly think that a daily schedule can only help, if done in the right way!
I believe it depends entirely on the type of channel you are. Gamers and vloggers would probably do well to upload daily. Others? Probably could pull back a little bit and concentrate on thinking of interesting things to do. I see a lot of daily uploaders who get into a real rut with content and then just follow whatever trend, challenge, tag, or whatever is going on, and it's (to me) really uninspired and boring.
I tried it for about a week and it wasn't worth what I was putting into it. If you can create good content on a daily basis, people will watch. You have to find the right balance between quality and quantity. I say if you can do it, there is no reason not to
I would like to add to what I said earlier, realise that if you are doing daily videos there will be a lot of times where it just feels like a grind. However much you enjoy it, sometimes you will have to bend over backwards to get the video out that day and it takes the fun out of Youtube.
If you're making Lets Plays, it should be okay if your video quality is good and blah blah blah. As long as you're entertaining or have a good personality, a daily schedule is king.
Let's say you're someone like MatPat from game theory or Angry Joe. These guys make very intense, detailed content that would wear them out if it were to be done every day.

If you're making longer, creative and unique content that takes a lot of time to work on, keep a schedule that works for you. Weekly, bi-weekly, hopefully not monthly. Good luck!
Like a lot of others have said on here, it really depends on what type of channel that you are. Like for my channel, I think it would severely hinder my growth and from my personal viewing experience, gaming channels can do the everyday thing though! I've still yet to find a channel out there that I like to watch videos of everyday no matter how much I like them though. But then again I don't go on YouTube a super amount :)
I've never done it and frankly it wouldn't be possible with the content I make. I've seen channels drop in quality when they start daily videos, but I can see how it could work for Vloggers or letsplayers (Neither of which I watch, so I'm just speculating). I think it all comes down to how much time you have, and whether you can balance quality and quantity.