In your experience, does uploading videos everyday hurt or hinder your channel?


Active Member
In your experiences as a Youtuber and seeing others videos & channels, does uploading videos everyday hurt or hinder your channel & its video views?

Do viewers want to watch a new video from you every single day?

Of course this might vary on kind of content is uploaded, but I would love to see to see the general overall views on the question.
I haven't uploaded in a while due to a file mixup. But from what I've seen uploading daily is a big + for a channel. It's more content for viewers to watch and it keeps them at ur channel. The problem is having quantity AND quality. Because if ur pumping out videos. But their horrible. Odds are u won't be earning subscribers.
I haven't uploaded in a while due to a file mixup. But from what I've seen uploading daily is a big + for a channel. It's more content for viewers to watch and it keeps them at ur channel. The problem is having quantity AND quality. Because if ur pumping out videos. But their horrible. Odds are u won't be earning subscribers.

My channel usually contains gameplay from gamers online. :p
I can't really upload daily as my videos take some time to make, but my friend did it for a while with his channel and he swears by it. He said he saw a pretty substantial increase to subscribers and views by uploading daily content.
So you use other peoples VODs and put them on your channel and monetize them...I sincerely hope you got permission from the original creators or you sir are a douche. That being said I upload daily and it helps me out more.
So you use other peoples VODs and put them on your channel and monetize them...I sincerely hope you got permission from the original creators or you sir are a douche. That being said I upload daily and it helps me out more.

It's actually a replay system on Fightcade, and yes, I talk to them.
It depends on what you are doing and what type of videos you are putting out. Like someone else said, if its good quality content it can do wonders but if there are audio issues or crappy editing it would probably do more harm than good in my opinion. Most channels I see that upload daily are gaming and vlogs which I think are good channels to do the daily upload, but some may be a little too "overwhelming" if you lets say have a cooking channel or something that would usually take a lot of time preparation which would be difficult to upload daily.
I think it really depends on your individual circumstances, I'm sure it has the potential to increase interest but equally if done badly it could go the other way too. I know if I were to try it I'd probably end up with some really lacklustre videos that I wasn't happy with and I'd also struggle to CC every day which is something that's important to me. I personally don't enjoy getting attached to people who upload daily because I don't have the time to keep myself updated by watching every day (this is in the case of daily vloggers). Turning that around though, by producing a video every day you're increasing your discoverability so I think if it's something that you think might be a good fit, it might be worth considering.