A thing that might increase the commenting, is to reply to the comments that are made!
it´s normal not to have a lot of comments/likes/dislikes at the beginning!
Yes, Interacting with your viewers is VERY important. Give them personal attention when you're a small channel and they'll feel appreciated and help you grow. When you're under like 1000 subs (sometimes even under 10000) you can generally keep up with your comment section. It's after that where it starts to get a bit hectic and you'll need to find a new way to interact with your fanbase. My buddy has over 16k subs now (he hit 16k on monday, he's growing pretty fast) and he says he gets like 100 emails a day not counting whatever he gets in comments that he tries to respond to.
Do you ask your viewers to like and subscribe? Seems very simple, but many viewers won't sub unless you ask them to. I ask at the end of every video.
Do you ask your viewers to like and subscribe? Seems very simple, but many viewers won't sub unless you ask them to. I ask at the end of every video.
My biggest challenge is getting people to watch to the end of my videos. But I also use a Call To Action annotation all through the video in the corner (Thanks Creator Critic). Most of your viewers won't ever look at your full description, so it's kind of hit or miss to put a call to action sub link there.
I interact with my subs when they comment. Just check urself. There is one guy called " chicken scratch " who does they most commenting and I take my time. I dread having to deal with 1000s[DOUBLEPOST=1463081466,1463079670][/DOUBLEPOST]And you don't want to come across as a begger
There's a trust that builds up between a creator and their audience. People start to comment when they start to get to know you as a person. This can be about commenting back when they leave comments, but there's also just a threshold of views before people say, "Hey, I think I know this person...I'll say something I know they'll react to (in whatever way they want...like it, consider it, whatever). You're a newer channel, so I expect this'll happen more and more often as your channel continues to grow and your audience grows to know you better.
yeah man i have the same issue most comments come from your subscribers so this is pretty normal most videos dont have half the amount of comments as they do views
I am new to YouTube, about 1 month and a half and in that time I have has 37 subs. first off this that good. think it is. Also in the past week there has not being any new subs but that is expected. My question is. I have quite a few views on my vids, some from 50-150 or more. yet the comment/like/dislike or sub status does not change much. Is this normal. I do say comment and sub in the vids but I do wonder.

Not is it only common, it is the status quo for 99.9% of YouTube (to which I belong myself). I get decent views, but nothing compared to big YouTubers, who do my total channel view count in a matter of hours. One thing you have to concentrate on is content. Produce the best you can and remember to have fun. Looking at the numbers too closely and then comparing yourself to the cream of the crop, the higher echelon of YouTube, and you'll end up feeling down because you are no where near their level.