I'll watch every video


Active Member
if you have a viral video feel free to share it here because i want to see if there is a specific trend with viral videos
and if you do not have a viral video yet share it so i can compare it to the videos that have gone viral and possibly tell you were you went wrong
this somewhat went viral for me since i was so small at the time

but if you google "hello from my magnum dong" it should be the first one up there.

its still continuing to grow in views. so ive got that goin for me
"you don't have enough money to train me" went viral ages ago, and recently "twitch plays Pokemon (2) GUYS WE HAVE TO BEAT MISTY" Has had the fastest growth rate of all my vids, I was surprised considering how it's a part 2 and is about a really out of date subject.
Take a look at the video in my signature. I don't think of it as "viral" in the sense of it being very short and to the point. But it's the only video of its kind on YouTube and once watched, it easy to want to pass it on as it's so weird