If you had to choose one social media platform...?


Hello YTTalk!

Its my first post so be gentle haha.

Anyway, I'll be starting up a new channel within the next week as Im just making the finishing touches to my channel pic/logo and to my channel art, and deciding on a name. The channel is going to be a place for me to upload the short (like 30secs to 3min) cartoon animations I make.

So now to the point of the thread. Social media. Now, social media isnt usually my kind of thing...I dont have any social media accounts at present or for the last couple of years. Im very much out of the loop. But when I start the channel I most certainly do want to have at least one social media account for the channel. But which one?

Im thinking my options are facebook (which Ive used in the past and feel most comfortable with), twitter (which is obviously pretty popular but Ive never used it and so am not sure if its appropriate), and google + (which seems like its less popular but would be the easiet to set up and intigrate)...unless theres something else I should consider?

Any help will be much appreciated.

Seriously, in all honesty, YouTube is the social network you need to focus on.
That's where you viewers, subscribers, and rabid fans will come from.
Other will tell you FB,Tw,Tumblr,Reddit, etc. They can work. Depends on the content, how much time you have, how many followers on those networks, how awesome and viral your content is to be shared across those networks.
Conversion rates from other social networks will be low (unless you get a viral hit). As an example, if you get 1000 FB followers, FB will only show your posts to about 30% of them (they want you to pay to show the posts to the rest). So from those 300 that see your post, perhaps 1-5% will click to go to YT. That's 5-15 views. Not worth the hassle really.
Just focus on YT SEO, learn about the almighty algorithm and how to appease it, and the views will come organically on YT.
Good luck!
Thanks Lyth. But could you explain why?

And KiddieToyReview.
Thanks for replying, but yeah obviously YT is what I want to and will focus on. We are on a YT forum after all lol, it kind of goes without saying. I started this thread to ask which social to go with...not whether I should go with social media at all.

I have 2 other channels currently (very niche, started within the last 6 months, both with over 200 subs and 15,000 views, so Im aware enough of how YT works and how to make it work), but those channels arent conducive to social media. This channel on the other hand has much higher potential for virality so I want social media.

I personally know people who are stuck to social media 24/7, yet very rarely visit YT...these are the people I want to be able to reach. I dont know why you'd say its not worth it and then go on to say it will bring in extra views (even if they arent great in number)...extra views are extra views and thats the bottom line. The amount of work put into maintaining a social media presence is so minimal compared to actually managing the channel and uploads so its worth it. And it could potentially help a video go viral. Or, I'd hate to have a video go viral (individually unlikely, but it happens every day), get a million views and not be able to fully capitalise on that becuase I dont have social media.

And IMO, Ive read enough to know that theres no real "knowing the algorithm". People might think they do, but they demonstrably don't. Yeah, in small aspects and roundabout way you can understand certain aspects...but theres no need "learn" it. Its just fairly obvious and all there to see.

Thanks for your reply though :)
i would suggest to definitely set up a twitter account, its easy to share your content directly from the YT upload page to your twitter and google+. good thing about twitter is that not only can you share your content. its a great place to chat to your subs. get new idea's, meet fellow creators etc. google+ is pretty shi* to be honest, but its so simple you might as well. i have also found the videos i share on google+communities seem to rank highly in youtube searches

i would also the videos on the relevant sub reddit. good source of traffic. and if a videos gets lots of thumbs up you can get a ton of traffic
I say make a twitter, just a twitter so you can inform you viewers on new videos and what's happening in your life its pretty easy and simply to use, you can also try reddit if you want but reddit its more in-depth and you have to invest more time in it, but for now just focus on your new youtuube channel maybe when you reach 100 subs you can make a twitter, because now no one will follow you(sry if I seem rude but that's the truth) when you have a bigger audience you can create e social media account apart of youtube. Good luck with your channel :)
Seriously, in all honesty, YouTube is the social network you need to focus on.
That's where you viewers, subscribers, and rabid fans will come from.
Other will tell you FB,Tw,Tumblr,Reddit, etc. They can work. Depends on the content, how much time you have, how many followers on those networks, how awesome and viral your content is to be shared across those networks.
Conversion rates from other social networks will be low (unless you get a viral hit). As an example, if you get 1000 FB followers, FB will only show your posts to about 30% of them (they want you to pay to show the posts to the rest). So from those 300 that see your post, perhaps 1-5% will click to go to YT. That's 5-15 views. Not worth the hassle really.
Just focus on YT SEO, learn about the almighty algorithm and how to appease it, and the views will come organically on YT.
Good luck!

That's the best way of putting it
I have only one video up so far but about 75 percent of my views came from outside of YouTube and probably mostly from reddit. I also use Twitter and Google plus so far but not sure if I get much traffic from them.