I will give your Channel an honest review/feedback

Just a reminder guys, if you wouldn't mind checking out my channel it would be nice. :)

I make cover songs and occasionally original songs :D


Wow girl you can SING! Great covers on the channel. I think if you keep posting videos more often you will get more subs as you are very talented. Keep up the good work!


Can you please review my channel??

What do you think? Which is your favorite video?

Many thanks!

Really enjoyed your videos and the channel is making great progress by the looks of it. The video on the front page is quite funny. Keep doing what your doing, you're on your way there! :)


I could use a review! :)

Think one thing you need to do straight away is fill your youtube homepage with your videos as its very....empty. Also your audio on your videos is a bit weird, the music is a bit too loud compared to your voice. Other than that keep up the work, love a bit of league of legends and good luck! :)


Hey Dan. I've been youtubing only for a little bit now. And I'm trying to make my videos as clean as possible. Right now I know that quality wise and even gameplay wise they aren't the best. I've mostly been testing out different things that I'm using to make and edit videos. I'm making alot of new videos at the moment that will be much more polished, and funny then the current ones. Again don't think to much of these ones they are just videos to test software. Thanks

Ok if that's the case then I wish you the best of luck. I think you need to do some commentary too once you have setup the channel correctly as just gameplay is just too boring in most cases. Some of the games footage was laggy so try to work around that too with what you have for recording or invest in some new gear. Also don't forget to create a channel trailer! Hopes this helps


My channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/danielamarcu81
Thanks a lot for reviewing it.

One of the problems I found when reviewing your channel was that I didnt really have a clear idea what it is about. I'm guess mobile games? There seems to be a random mix of videos on there and giving your channel some branding is needed. Start creating videos set to a specific thing so subs know what to expect from you. Hope this helps.


I have recently begun a vlogging channel, and while small and a little rough, I hope to improve until the level of which I am happy with before getting too many subs :p And also, in the morning I suppose I'll review your channel in return for the favour :D

Looks like you got good equipment and good video quality. I think you need to upload more regularly and also relax a bit on the camera, you tend to look away from the camera now and again. You are doing good though, keep up the good work, looks interesting. If you do review mine, thank you :)


maybe you like to see animal channel with my cute dog;) for a change:)

I couldn't help for going 'awwwwww' all the time in your videos haha. I like the channel, think you need to upload more though. Maybe try doing 1-2 videos a week? Mix up a few things now and again. Dogs are great but you may start running out of ideas soon, BUT still involve the dog of course, what a star! :)


I will review the rest tomorrow! :) Thanks for all the posts guys! Kept me busy.

Be sure to check out my channel too if you like gaming and watching an idiot trying to be funny.

Dan x
Just a reminder guys, if you wouldn't mind checking out my channel it would be nice. :)

Wow girl you can SING! Great covers on the channel. I think if you keep posting videos more often you will get more subs as you are very talented. Keep up the good work!


Really enjoyed your videos and the channel is making great progress by the looks of it. The video on the front page is quite funny. Keep doing what your doing, you're on your way there! :)


Think one thing you need to do straight away is fill your youtube homepage with your videos as its very....empty. Also your audio on your videos is a bit weird, the music is a bit too loud compared to your voice. Other than that keep up the work, love a bit of league of legends and good luck! :)


Ok if that's the case then I wish you the best of luck. I think you need to do some commentary too once you have setup the channel correctly as just gameplay is just too boring in most cases. Some of the games footage was laggy so try to work around that too with what you have for recording or invest in some new gear. Also don't forget to create a channel trailer! Hopes this helps


One of the problems I found when reviewing your channel was that I didnt really have a clear idea what it is about. I'm guess mobile games? There seems to be a random mix of videos on there and giving your channel some branding is needed. Start creating videos set to a specific thing so subs know what to expect from you. Hope this helps.


Looks like you got good equipment and good video quality. I think you need to upload more regularly and also relax a bit on the camera, you tend to look away from the camera now and again. You are doing good though, keep up the good work, looks interesting. If you do review mine, thank you :)


I couldn't help for going 'awwwwww' all the time in your videos haha. I like the channel, think you need to upload more though. Maybe try doing 1-2 videos a week? Mix up a few things now and again. Dogs are great but you may start running out of ideas soon, BUT still involve the dog of course, what a star! :)


I will review the rest tomorrow! :) Thanks for all the posts guys! Kept me busy.

Be sure to check out my channel too if you like gaming and watching an idiot trying to be funny.

Dan x
hey man checked out your channel but i can really really use a review!
[quote="I think because its a fairly new channel, you need to start with the basics. I think your videos and content you are trying to make is great but a few starter tips will really help your channel.

Create intros/outros, making sure the person watching knows the name of your channel from watching the video. Include things like outros to link your other videos and put something like 'Hey if you liked this video, click here to see this video'

Create a banner with your channel name on it and make it standout

I think the name of the channel is a bit of a problem, its not easy to remember, make it as simple as possible.

Fill your description boxes. Put more information into them. More info about the video or the channel in there = more hits.

Maybe start putting a bit more energy into the videos when speaking. I think your doing ok but in order to keep the viewers attention you need to speak with a bit more energy.

and when you can create a channel trailer, to show what the channel is about. Keep it under a 1 min.

I hope this helps, I know its hard starting from the very bottom but use these tips to help get your channel to be interesting and also look at videos on youtube on how to start a channels. You just need to know the basics.

Best of luck!


Thanks for the Review Dan, I really appreciate the time you put in to review my channel, I will follow your guidelines and hopefully i will improve as time goes thanks once again.
So, I've had a good look around your channel, and to begin with, I really like your accent, and your gameplay videos are really good. However, a nice title screen wouldn't go amiss. Also your thumbnails could do with a bit of work. I don't know if some people like it, but i find the red coloured titles in the thumbnails hard to read and somewhat unattractive. The vlogs on the other hand, could do nicely if you used the rear facing camera instead of the front as the current footage is a little grainy. Also, a little bit of effort into improving the lighting wouldn't be a bad suggestion. Also, a bit of editing could help, so would some background music. The channel trailer was really funny, and I like your sense of humour, but cutting down some of the excess would be brilliant. Otherwise. it is a promising channel, good luck :D