I will give your Channel an honest review/feedback

Like it says in the title....

I'll try to review as much as possible everyday (because I'm nice). Send me a link to your channel and maybe some background info on it too.

Hey there dan!, We are Kish Kosh and this a channel based on humor, Entertainment, parody and gaming We are based on actuall real life entertainment and parody, but to side for gaming we we're inspire massivly by smosh a long back talking about making a channel but its in action and I'd love to hear a review from you
Hello! I am ImPompeii! I am a Gamer and I do Lets Play! I like to play Role-Playing(Oblivion and Skyrim) Games and Shooter Games(Call of Duty)! I just want to see what I can improve for my videos! Thank You!
Hi everyone, I make Fifa 14 videos with commentary in full 1080p HD and if you could review my channel that would be great :D

My Channel Is https://www.youtube.com/user/J4MES44Gaming

Seems like a good channel, voice is good, videos are good quality, pretty much looks like your dedicated to making fifa videos on your channel. Good job


Well, I'll leave you the choice:
http://www.youtube.com/ScrimpyDataGameplays (main channel)
- Gaming content, mostly simulator games, Minecraft, and GTA IV
http://www.youtube.com/ScrimpsCeption (second channel)
- Vlogs and non-gaming videos :p

Well I checked out both :) Looks interesting but I will say that when you do lets play videos its seems like your voice is really low and can barely hear it so sort your audio out. Also try to keep the channel active, 1-2 videos a week is a good start. Wish you the best of look with the channel. :)


hi could i get feedback on my videos by any chance? I'm newbie and any feedback will really help thanks in advance.

I think because its a fairly new channel, you need to start with the basics. I think your videos and content you are trying to make is great but a few starter tips will really help your channel.

Create intros/outros, making sure the person watching knows the name of your channel from watching the video. Include things like outros to link your other videos and put something like 'Hey if you liked this video, click here to see this video'

Create a banner with your channel name on it and make it standout

I think the name of the channel is a bit of a problem, its not easy to remember, make it as simple as possible.

Fill your description boxes. Put more information into them. More info about the video or the channel in there = more hits.

Maybe start putting a bit more energy into the videos when speaking. I think your doing ok but in order to keep the viewers attention you need to speak with a bit more energy.

and when you can create a channel trailer, to show what the channel is about. Keep it under a 1 min.

I hope this helps, I know its hard starting from the very bottom but use these tips to help get your channel to be interesting and also look at videos on youtube on how to start a channels. You just need to know the basics.

Best of luck!


I have a music making channel and I would appreciate some feedback...http://www.youtube.com/user/HypnoSteam
I'm trying more ways then one to make songs though

Please fill out your description boxes with info, it will help you get more hits and helps the viewer get more information from the video (example: Who is the track by, what is it called, where can I get it). Looks like you have a fairly basic audio uploads, so I cant really comment on the video. Audio is good quality. Maybe try doing a few different things to get more subs, maybe talking about how you make tracks or music news or just a vlog. You want to get more people interested in your channel then you will have to make it more interesting.

Hope this helps
