I will give your Channel an honest review/feedback

Like it says in the title....

I'll try to review as much as possible everyday (because I'm nice). Send me a link to your channel and maybe some background info on it too.

Review my channel :)

I didn't know which of the two channels you wanted me to look at so I had a look at them both. I like your stuff there's a good variety of things on there.

One thing I'm confused about if you're going for more subs is the branding, I'm not sure what type of channel you are going for, one of your channels was called AlanJ2007Games but there didn't seem to be any games on there, which might be misleading to new viewers. I think a channel trailer to show what you do on the channel is a good idea, give the new person viewing your channel an idea on what you're about!

Besides that the video quality of the videos are very good indeed. Keep it up!

Hope this helps :)


My channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/ARTFXSTUDIOS

I make lessons about music production and I upload my own music.

As someone who creates a lot of music on my computer, I really like your channel. You speak clearly and confidently which is great and give good presentation and lots of information in your videos.

If I could pick one thing that may help is to maybe do a few more short videos every so often (less than 10 mins). If you can provide a mix of long videos and short videos for people who just need to learn or know something quick, then I think you will be on to a winner :)

Good work!


Could you possibly check out my channel and give me some feedback?

Great covers man. I play guitar myself and it was enjoyable watching your videos. One thing that bugged me though was that I would of liked the camera to be placed higher up so people watching could clearly see what you were playing. But I think its a good channel, keep doing what you're doing. Good luck with the music :)

Great covers man. I play guitar myself and it was enjoyable watching your videos. One thing that bugged me though was that I would of liked the camera to be placed higher up so people watching could clearly see what you were playing. But I think its a good channel, keep doing what you're doing. Good luck with the music :)


Thanks for the feedback. And I understand where you are coming from, the trouble is finding a space where I can film from a good angle and still have room to actually play. I was thinking about using another camera attached to the end of my bass to film down the fretboard so that people can have another angle but i'll have to see if that works.
hi could i get feedback on my videos by any chance? I'm newbie and any feedback will really help thanks in advance.