How to NOT quit. HELP!

I know this whole thing takes a while before you get a real POP but I've seen so many on YT start off not long ago and have such a strong following and a large amount of views. I try to promote myself as much as possible without being "annoying". I have the 2 other accounts to get myself out there, Twitter & IG, although I use IG way more than Twitter. I just dont know how to get a following, I even try on Reddit from time to time but I get buried in under an hour with all the gaming videos on there. UGH, I love making videos but I dont know if its worth the work involved if no one but a few of my friends and family are watching. HELP! Any advice on how to stay strong and not lose focus?

Thanks Guys! :thanksthumbs:
I know exactly how you feel, i started a gaming channel a couple days ago and i know its going to take a long time before my videos are seen by more than just my friends and family. My only advice to give is what I've been given which is to keep going to other forums ect to advertise yourself and most importantly remember that good things come to those that wait.
Hello there!
Okay, okay! I know I am a gaming channel! Please don't hurt me! Just kidding :P About the don't kill me part... I am still a gaming channel... okay let's get into the point xD

Well, for a start you have to make sure that your branding is AWESOME. Top notch, no mistake in that. I know that my own branding might not be top notch, but I think it is pretty good. You should aim for a much more detailed banner with your IG and twitter on it. Why don't you have it there? Com'ah... it helps all your subscribers find your videos on other platforms. For the PP, maybe the text should be a little bigger? I can't say anything else about it really. A rule of thumb over any of your thumbnails, banners or whatever. Text has to be readable. Therefore it has to be quite large. I know that over the laptop or PC it might seem fine, but nowadays a huge part of the Youtube member base use phones, and you really want your font to pop clearly on such small pictures.

Now that was advice on how to grow slightly more quickly, which helps to not quit. Now to the question itself. If you are doing Youtube just in the goal of being famous or having a huge Youtube channel, then do not do it in my opinion. If you think that you will regret doing Youtube if you do not... you know... get famous from it. Then just move on. Anyone's chances are pretty low because you are really competing with millions of other channels. So to put my point in a simple sentence. Do Youtube for fun. That's the biggest motivation.

For how to stay strong. The most important thing is how you think of stuff pretty much. Do not demotivate yourself. Always find stuff to motivate yourself. Either if it is getting a new subscriber, or to make a video you really wanted to do, or to receive such an awesome feedback on one of your videos!

And a quick tip! Add "How to" to the start of your videos when it seems appropriate. Better SEO :P

Hope that I helped!
I've also just recently started to do YouTube, so I kinda know how you feel. What keeps me going are the small things. When I gain a new subscriber or when someone says they enjoy my videos. That really motivates me to keep going. I would recommend you to do the same. Focus on the small positive things.

Don't be too obsessed with viewers/subscribers, just enjoy what you do. And hopefully one day your channel will take off.
I had a bit of a downer a week or so back and you just have to keep working hard on your content, keep sharing it, and keep doing what you gotta do. I post to reddit and, depending on the subreddit, can be good or bad. There are a few subreddits like that, if you give a couple other people feedback on their stuff, you can link the feedback you gave and share some of your own content. It's been like a small dose of this small community here.
Persistence is key and we all start out small but eventually with enough dedication, persistence and hard work the sky's the limit! A good method that I utilize to try and stop myself from losing motivation is by trying to limit my comparisons to other channels, we are all different and will all grow at different rates and I find myself so easily discouraged when seeing another channel that hasn't been around for long but has gotten a better following than me but then I remind myself of that fact. I also remind myself that the people that I am currently connected with are absolutely AWESOME individuals and as a collective and want to create the best possible content for them as possible!
I watched your eggs Benedict video and I liked that you didn't talk in it. It was short and to the point. Good job!

I suggest you keep trying Reddit. You should be in subreddits that have nothing to do with gaming. Just start googling Reddit and some cooking topic (try starting with cooking videos)and start seeing what comes up. I make pet videos and there are so many subreddits and I bet it's the same with cooking. Look on the right side of any cooking subreddit page and they usually list related subreddits that you should check out as well.

Reddit is hit or miss so it is discouraging and a lot of work. I posted a video in a subreddit once and it received over 2,000 views. A month or so later I posted another video and my post was removed. I have no idea why and I had made lots of comments in between so I didn't think I was spamming.