How to add your YouTube channel to every message/post

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when you register there is a box saying YouTube username, you don't really need to post a link! i mean i didn't have to post a link! i just typed TheHertfullGamer and as you see my YouTube channel link is down below!
I saw a few people who had two channels added instead of just the one. Is that possible for normal users or do you need to use your cash for that? If so, where? :)
Updated this to reflect recent updates to the channel links, please see the first post for more info.
So I've got an old URL from before I changed my name on YT and before youtube update, I want to add it but I need it to display My Channel : FateGraphics not the old channel name
I changed my name to FateGraphics through google+ would I be able to add my channel to my messages ?
So I've got an old URL from before I changed my name on YT and before youtube update, I want to add it but I need it to display My Channel : FateGraphics not the old channel name
I changed my name to FateGraphics through google+ would I be able to add my channel to my messages ?

Paste the URL here without http:// and www. so I can be sure of which type you have :)
You need to check /user/ in the options as well as entering NinjaCraftings as your YouTube username and it will work then :)
I mean, is it possible to change the name from NinjaCraftings to FateGraphics in the channel link button ?
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