How often do you post a video?


Well-Known Member
For many people uploading daily can be a hassle. So as the title says how often do you post.
I post every 2-3 days.
From one video every two/three days (before) to one or two videos per week (now). In the begining our videos were almost without editing (apart from watermark) so it was ridiculously easy to "produce" and upload.
I had a schedule of 3 videos a week but that didn't fit my personal life and everything went downhill after that (the schedule, not my life hehe). Now I'm trying to get back to one video a week.. to start with :)
I just started my channel around a week ago and uploaded once a day for the first 4. Then took two days off and uploaded 2 videos yesterday and none today. It's hard to keep a constant schedule when nobody is watching your vids lol
I'm a Let's Play channel and I have to keep up with the other channels that post like 1-2 times a day. I try to post at least once a day.
I try to post every other day ( record/edit a video one day , upload next day, record/edit next day and so on )
I think everybody has a different schedule! Mine is at least once a week! It works great for me ! So everyone will be different.

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I try to post at least once a week! I would love to post every other day and if I had the discipline I would.... but I learned not to make any promises because my life is to hectic at the moment. I wish I could do a arrangement of vids in a week, a review, tutorial and a vlogtype video. That would be my ideal.
Once a day. Of course, ideal schedule would be 2 videos a day, but well... #life. The schedule heavily depends on the type of your channel. If it's a gaming channel... well, consistency is a must.