How Many Views and Subscribers did you Have When Your Channel Took Off?

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Loving YTtalk
So I've been recently looking a lot on how my channel compares to others in terms of growth rate, etc., and it's been always apparent that my channel is growing extremely slowly, with only 205 subscribers and 8.5k views after 4 years. So I want to know if you have a channel that took off, what were your statistics like when it started taking off. I really want to see how my channel compares to ones that have managed to succeed and take off.
I really don’t think you should compare your channel to other people’s channel, everyone grows at a different rate. I’m not sure what your idea of taking off is but I have almost 4K subscribers I’ve been on YouTube for two years.
It wasn't a number of subs that made the channel do well, it was making better content. It took 6 years (got up to like 3k subs) of content improvement, until I made one that people really enjoyed. things have only got better from there in quality and views.
but yeah the "take off" was sparked by a video, and an improvement in quality.
It wasn't a number of subs that made the channel do well, it was making better content. It took 6 years (got up to like 3k subs) of content improvement, until I made one that people really enjoyed. things have only got better from there in quality and views.
but yeah the "take off" was sparked by a video, and an improvement in quality.
Wow. So it was all because of one video? I mean, my most popular video was released in my first year on YT?, and back then I didn' even know about tags, yet still it was my most popular video so far. And didn't help my channel grow at all.
Wow. So it was all because of one video? I mean, my most popular video was released in my first year on YT?, and back then I didn' even know about tags, yet still it was my most popular video so far. And didn't help my channel grow at all.
I have some vids that do super duper well with views, but dont bring in new subs, there's still a lot of randomness to it
It wasn't a number of subs that made the channel do well, it was making better content. It took 6 years (got up to like 3k subs) of content improvement, until I made one that people really enjoyed. things have only got better from there in quality and views.
but yeah the "take off" was sparked by a video, and an improvement in quality.

Your story of how you took off makes sense and is a great lesson. Focus on making better content instead of chasing the numbers as the first thought. That is what I intend to do. I've been at this for 4 months and from video 1 through to video 22 (current video) I have improved a lot. Imagine what I would think of my 22nd video when I hit 100 videos!
Your story of how you took off makes sense and is a great lesson. Focus on making better content instead of chasing the numbers as the first thought. That is what I intend to do. I've been at this for 4 months and from video 1 through to video 22 (current video) I have improved a lot. Imagine what I would think of my 22nd video when I hit 100 videos!
yeah! though taking advice regarding tags, titles and all that extra stuff that helps a channel/video is great, I feel like a few people get a bit too focused on that and that alone, and forget to work on improving the content, heck ive still got a long way to go to make anything as entertaining and pretty as my favourite youtube animators, but every video is a small step closer
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