how long does it usuly take to get 1000 sub?!


hello I started my channel about 2 weeks ago and I got in the first week 35 sub. I have posted only 2 videos, now I posted 4 more videos and I'm stuck on the same amount
i had 14 subscribers for ages before i got a video that completely took off, i am still not at 1k and that video was from 2 years ago and it's bought a lot of inactive subs now, but you are doing so well for the first 2 weeks of having a channel, so i really would not rush it and expect to take off straight away i am still hoping for 1k and it gets really disappointing and upsetting if you really expect it to happen quickly so just upload videos and try not to take it too seriously and it will happen, only takes the right video or the right person to notice you for that to happen
That entirely depends on the topics, the quality of the video and how good it is and therefore if people will watch till the end and if those are all good then yeah, you should see sudden increases in views by the hundreds or thousands as YouTube rewards you in search and recommended videos for keeping people watching and on YouTube.