How Long Before You Reached $100


Happy New Year
If you didn't know already... adsense pays monthly and you must reach $100 in order to get check or direct deposit .... How long did it take you to reach that $100 and when you did how happy were you :)

How far are you from getting $100 for the first time?? I have about $83 before I reach $100 for the first time :laugh2:
We're about $1.30 shy of hitting our first magic $100, ha ha... I guess whenever YT dumps the March data to Adsense, we might actually get a check in April. Whew... we started the channel about 2 1/2 years ago, but I can't complain because a) we've taken a couple of reeeeally long breaks, and b) being parody & cover song-based, most of our revenue goes to the original artists, which makes sense. Just not cents. :P So yeah, uphill climb. But so close now!!
We're about $1.30 shy of hitting our first magic $100, ha ha... I guess whenever YT dumps the March data to Adsense, we might actually get a check in April. Whew... we started the channel about 2 1/2 years ago, but I can't complain because a) we've taken a couple of reeeeally long breaks, and b) being parody & cover song-based, most of our revenue goes to the original artists, which makes sense. Just not cents. :p So yeah, uphill climb. But so close now!!
Very cool =) You should totally do a video when you finally get a check in the mail :)
I considered that, thinking that it would be funny to kinda show how long it took us to earn even a small amount... but I didn't know if a video reminding people that we make money on YT would be negatively received somehow. Ehhh... I'll roll it around in my brain for a while more. :D
Cant remember. But a goal that I was chasing was to get paid every month. Now that is a good feeling :)
Quite a distance. Joined youtube about 3 months ago. Im still trying to figure out how to read the values and what I've made.
9 months after I started monetizing. I haven't hit my second yet, but I'm getting there. I was pretty thrilled to get to that hundred bucks, actually, because I thought my channel was too weird to ever make enough to get that check.