How do you find the time to YouTube?

Hello all,

I started my channel a while ago and due to lack of motivation and lack of time I had to stop, now I'm trying to get back into it and I'm definitely more motivated and I thought I had more time but life just seems to get in the way! I'd love to be a fulltime youtuber but unfortunately I can't afford that right now... maybe I am budgeting my time wrong or not planning enough, but does anyone have tips for finding the time to plan videos, film videos and edit? Seems like a lot for one person!
Hi Merlina

I think many of us has a dream of being a full time youtuber and being able to stay in bed at the morning instead of getting up early for work or school :D but I use the weekends or the days where I am not at work but when I worked full time I definitely understand you I didn't have energy to make a video either but try to find at least an hour of spare time and use it effectively ;) and if you are a morning person you should get up early make a video and then it won't bother the rest of your day so you can just let you computer work for uploading the content when you get home ;)

I mean you don't have to upload every single day, I lost motivation for youtube also because it didn't bring in much but the channel kept getting views and subs even though I was inactive for half a year which motivated me to get back now my problem is that my videos loose views after being on for a couple of days/weeks/month the time varies despite I have good experience in SEO and how to rank videos so there is a chance someone actually sees them but its still not good enough which I don't get even though I looked up competition and search volume for each keyword I used :(

So I will start a new topic regarding that it is also one of the big key factors to get success as a start up so feel free to participate if you like? :)

I took the time to look though some of your videos you are doing a good job, you have a great personality and thats what attracts subscribers and viewers but in terms of keywords and ranking there are a couple of thins you could do better but still the amount of views isn't that bad and here I am sitting and complaining about my views which is a bit higher but I always strive to improve and there is only one way and thats up ;)

So keep the good work and I leave a sub cause I definitely need some diet tips, specially after new year havent been in the gym for ages lol :thumbsup2: