How do you deal with hate?


I Is Batman
So as I small youtuber I don't actually get much hate at all. I've had a small taste but nothing to much. To be completely honest I actually welcome it, even in videos at the end when I ask people to comment I say "leave a comment with your opinions or some hate if you want to" Hate just shows how much you've grown and that people are annoyed with your succsess (unless you are doing something wrong lol) but I'd like to say I would deal with it quite well.

If you get hate, how do you respond to it??
I'm Sin, I was born and raised in the pits of hell hate is nothing to me. Hate is just jealousy in the minds of petty fools. I'll take their view with a smile on my face.

Plus the more ridiculous the comments the more likely I'll start mocking them in a video.
I got one comment saying my video was cancer and I replied with "Your feedback has been noted" and that's all I've had up to now!
If the hate comment doesn't contain any sincere criticism than delete the comment. It's your job to be the janitor of your comment section to keep a good imagine and to keep it clean, especially when you're still growing. But if you're getting hate on other platforms and you can't delete the message like on Reddit, than simply thank them for their input. Trolls get a kick out of seeing people get mad and the last thing they want to see is being thanked.
I'm quite picky about what I allow in my comment sections. I don't really get much hate, but I'd probably remove that if it weren't helpful in some way. I also clear out self promotion unless it honestly has something to do with the video. A lot of the time people say, "Great video! Check out my channel!"

They probably don't even watch the video they're commenting on. :(

Now I'll pretend to be super triggered about this just so that I can use this smiley because I think it's cute. :stomp:

Some people say that deleting hate comments is an expression of fear or weakness and is considered weak. Do you guys agree? Or do you think it is just responsibility over one's channel?

PS: NO matter what hate you receive, stay strong and keep posting good quality videos. :pompus:

Seriously, these smileys are fun.

If the hate comment doesn't contain any sincere criticism than delete the comment. It's your job to be the janitor of your comment section to keep a good imagine and to keep it clean, especially when you're still growing. But if you're getting hate on other platforms and you can't delete the message like on Reddit, than simply thank them for their input. Trolls get a kick out of seeing people get mad and the last thing they want to see is being thanked.

This is top advice. I've only just started YouTubing , but I've had some pretty unfriendly, uh, feedback as a podcaster, and I either ignore it, or send back the blandest of responses.
Depends on my mood at the time. But I never react negatively to it.
I either ignore it / delete it (And ban the user) / reply with a positive spin.
I have a "one and done" policy in my comments. If someone is being truly hateful, I'll just delete it, because there's no working with that, but if someone seems to be having a bad day and is lashing out, I'll try to engage and see if they'll come around. It works surprisingly often. If someone says something nasty and I say something funny in return, it'll often get them to come back with either and apology or a different attitude.

Sometimes it doesn't, in which case, I then delete the comment, because I honestly don't want to deal with that kind of attention.